Army disappears four, including two women and a six days old infant

Army disappears four, including two women and a six days old infant

Since the regular army replaced Frontier Corps in Gichk area of district Panjgur, Army imposed its own laws to control the area and people’s lives. According to these laws, all male members of the area from age 12, have to appear once or twice in a week in the military camp. In case of marriages and funerals, army’s permission is needed. Even in order to visit nearby town to buy household items, one needs army’s permission. Hence, every single household is under watch in Gichk and surrounding areas.

Moreover, collective punishment has become the norm of the day. It has devastated the lives of families of political activists who could neither leave their settlements and leave nor could avoid the wrath of army. This policy of collective punishment led to enforced disappearance, torture and extra judicial killings of family members of activists and militants.

Saleh Haroon is one of such persons whose family has become victim of collective punishment recently. On 26 April 2022, Saleh’s elderly father Haroon, who is paralyzed, was forcibly disappeared by army during a raid on his home. That entire night, Haroon was subjected to inhuman torture. He was brought back to his home the next day in critical condition. The forces then detained and forcibly disappeared Haroon’s wife Shah Bibi, his sister-in-law Shehzadi, her 6 days old daughter and her father Abdul Rehman. Three days, forces went back to their home and forcibly disappeared Abdul Haq son of Abdul Rehman. However, Abdul Rehman was released after three days but the whereabouts of rest of the family members are still unknown.

Moreover, several people were ordered to appear in the military camp. During the summon, the army officials confiscated all the identity documents of the people and threatened to seize their lands if their relatives don’t appear until May 11.

The Ineffectiveness of local remedies and empty promises of government is contributing in the humanitarian crisis in Balochistan. In the meantime, the army continues to commit crimes against humanity with absolute impunity.