Balochistan: 200 people forcefully disappeared, 37 killed, 127 released in June. BHRO

Balochistan: 200 people forcefully disappeared, 37 killed, 127 released in June. BHRO

Baloch Human Rights Organization has issued its monthly report of June which states that in Balochistan, in the month of June, security forces carried out 48 military operations in which 200 people are abducted. In the month of June, 14 people are targeted and killed including 3 people from Hazara community. Other than these, 12 people were killed by security forces during an operation in Mastung. None of them were identified. Three mutilated bodies are also found. Collectively 37 people were killed in the month of June in Balochistan, whereas 127 people were released, most of them were abducted in the same month.

On June 4, forces abducted 80 people from Harooni, Mashkay during a military operation. Majority of them were released after few days while 14 people are still in the custody of security forces. The families are not informed about their safety and whereabouts nor were they presented in front of court.

Baloch Human Rights Organization has expressed its concern on human rights situation in Balochistan and said that civil administration is not fulfilling its responsibility. Despite of enforced disappearance of 200 people in a month, police and levies don’t have any details about them. When the families of victims of enforced disappearance approaches police to lodge First Information Report (FIR), Police deny lodging FIR against Frontier Corps (FC), a Para-military force with police authorities. Civil administration gives excuses of his own safety while government has failed to make policy for the people to practice their constitutional rights.

Baloch Human Rights Organization has condemned military operations on daily basis and violations of people’s basic human rights and said that during the raids, FC and army treat people disrespectfully. Behavior of personnel of military and Para military forces offend people.

The representative of Baloch Human Rights Organization criticizes federal and Balochistan Government for not playing their role to stop use of excessive power in Balochistan and demanded from judiciary and higher courts to pay special attention for the safe recovery of enforced disappeared persons who are in the custody of security institutions for years. Hundreds of political activists, abducted by security forces many years back, are not recovered so far. Zakir Majeed and Dr. Din Mohammad Baloch are among those forcefully disappeared people, whom disappearance has completed 8 years in the month of June.

BHRO demanded from government institutions to play their role in safe recovery of the forcefully disappeared persons and stop incident of enforced disappearance.