Balochistan: 24 abducted by Pakistani security forces and intelligence agencies

Balochistan: 24 abducted by Pakistani security forces and intelligence agencies

Pakistani security forces and personnel of intelligence agencies have abducted 23 persons from Kech, Awaran and Gwadar districts of Balochistan and 1 from Sindh province of Pakistan in 15 days.

The Pakistan military adopted a policy of enforced disappearances to stifle the Baloch peoples struggle for their political and economic rights. Since 2004, thousands of Baloch activists, poets, students, rights activists and others have been forcibly disappeared. The military keeps their whereabouts unknown and subjects them to torture for months.

In 2009, the situation got worse. The Pakistan military abducted three key Baloch leaders, including Ghulam Mohammad Baloch who was the President of the Baloch National Movement (BNM), from the Turbat city of Balochistan on April 3, 2009. In a week, on April 9, their tortured and bullet-riddled bodies were found dumped near the Turbat city. It was the beginning of the military’s now infamous kill-and-dump operations, in which they abduct political activists, journalists, educationists, student activists and human rights defenders, and later dump their bodies in desolated areas.

On May 23, forces abducted Liaqat Dad Mohammad and his brother Shukat from Gushandar, Buleda, district Kech.

On the same day, forces raided Aapsar area of Turbat, district Kech and abducted Firoz Qasim from his house.

Separately, forces and personnels of intelligence agencies abducted Babo Cherag Ghulam Mohammad and Azeem Eido from his house in Jiwani district Gwadar.

Also, Maqsood Karim Dad, resident of Mashkay district Awaran was abducted by forces from Naval Colony, Karachi, provincial capital of Sindh.
On May 21, forces raided Jittani Bazar of Dasht, district Kech, and abducted Hamid Wali Mohammad from his house.

On May 17, forces abducted Siraj Gwahram and Chakar Mengal from Ward No: 6, Pasni, district Gwadar.

On the same day, forces abducted Anwar Khalil and Mehraj Abdulla from Gomazi, district Kech.
On May 16, forces abducted Noor Bakhsh Ahmed during a raid from Gowash area of Teertej, district Awaran.

On May 15, forces abducted Lal Bakhsh Qadir Bakhsh, Isa Fateh Mohammed, Qadeer Barkat, Ghafor Abdul Qadir and Karim Sufi from Malar Kahn, district Awaran.

On May 14, forces and personnel of intelligence agencies abducted Abdin Aslam, resident of Balgathar, district Kech.

On the same day, forces and personnel of intelligence agencies raided a house in Mondi area of district Gwadar and abducted Sharif Dil Murad and Amjid Ahmed, residents of Dasht, district Kech.
Separately, personnels of intelligence agencies abducted Fazal Shah Dad from Zero Point, Pasni, district Gwadar.

On May 13, forces abducted Khalid Ghulam Rasol from Pinnodi area of Dasht, district Kech.
On May 10, personnel of intelligence agencies abducted Abdul Ghani Noor Bakhsh from district Gwadar.

On May 9, forces abducted Obaid Sher Mohammad from Shulig, Dasht, district Kech. He was a labor in Jiwani, district Gwadar. Three days earlier he came to his home town to visit his family.

All the abductees have been shifted to unknown location and their whereabouts remain unknown to their families.