Balochistan: Baloch Human Rights Organization protests against enforced disappearance of women and children.

Baloch Human Rights Organization hold a demonstration protest against enforced disappearance of women and children in front of Quetta Press Club. A large number of women and children, including political and civil rights activist, participated in the event. The participants were holding banners demanding the safe release of women and children. They also appealed from the government and human rights organizations to play their role for the safety of women and children and other victims of enforced disappearance. 

The leaders of BHRO addressed the participants and said, the chain of enforced disappearances of women and children initiated in 2017 has intensified which qualifies as war crimes. During the detention, women were subjected to torture, assault and in some cases extrajudicially killed. It has developed a humanitarian crisis and will have a long-lasting effect on society. 

Last year in the month of July, security forces carried out a military operation in Mashkay, district Awaran. During the operation, Noor Malik and her two daughters Haseena and Sameena were forcibly disappeared. Their whereabouts are still unknown. Moreover, in the same year, Nazgul died from inhumane torture during her detention. Her body was later buried near the military camp. 

In March 2019, forces raided the house of Gul Sher Rahmat in Gajjali, Mashkay and forcibly disappeared Hoori, Jan Bibi along with her two grand children. For last one week, their whereabouts are unknown. 

Extremity in the enforced disappearance of women and children and military operations in Balochistan have turned more violent. The silence of human rights institutions on these serious human rights violations in questionable. 

The participants demanded to end enforced disappearances in Balochistan and safely release disappeared persons in order to address the grievances of people of Balochistan. 

The Chairperson of Baloch Human Rights Organization Bibi Gul Baloch said that international human rights organization should take notice of enforced disappearance of women and children and recovery of beyond recognition bodies in Balochistan. The institution should condemn these violations and address them as per international human rights law.