Balochistan: BHRO is concerned over the enforced disappearance of Dr. Saeedullah Badini

Baloch Human Rights Organization (BHRO) is gravely concerned over the enforced disappearance of Dr. Saeedullah Badini s/o Dr. Muhammad Ilyas, abducted by security personnel in a raid on Bolan Medical College Hostel on March 4, 2018. Dr. Saeedullah Badini is a final year medical student at Bolan Medical College and a resident of Kharan.


BHRO unequivocally condemns arbitrary arrest and detention of any citizen but it is concerning that Baloch students are being targeted by state forces for last many years.


Baloch Human Rights Organization demands that if Dr. Saeedullah Badini is suspected of any crime, the charges against him must be laid out and he must be produced in court without delay and accorded all legal rights. However, if he has not done anything wrong, he must be immediately released.


BHRO strongly urges to the government authorities and the Balochistan government to effectively investigate the enforced disappearance of Dr. Saeedullah and take steps to recover him safely.