Balochistan: Forces are responsible for the recovery of mass grave and mutilated bodies in Dera Bugti and Jhao respectively. BHRO

Balochistan: Forces are responsible for the recovery of mass grave and mutilated bodies in Dera Bugti and Jhao respectively. BHRO

Baloch Human Rights Organization held state forces responsible for the discovery of mass grave in district Dera

picture of mass grave of Tootak, district Khuzdar, discovered in 2014.

Bugti and recovery of mutilated bodies of three abductees in Jhao, district Awaran and said that its shows government non seriousness and irresponsibility towards human rights violations in Balochistan. Human rights situation in Balochistan is getting worse day by day. Target killings, recovery of mutilated bodies, raids and abductions on daily basis have developed a sense of fear in the society. On February 20, 2017 a mass grave is discovered in district Dera Bugti. According to local media 4 corpses were found buried in the mass grave in which a

woman remains were also recovered from the grave. It is feared that the recovered bodies from Dera Bugti and Jhao are the bodies of abductees, abducted by forces. In 2014, three mass graves were found in Tootak, district Khuzdar where

more than 150 bodies were found buried, due to which the families of missing persons went through a mental trauma.

Remains of civilians found in mass grave in Dera Bugti. Photo: BRP Media Cell

Baloch Human Rights Organization criticizes media and Government’s institutions for remaining silent on the situation of Balochistan and said that in the first two months of this year, abduction of hundreds of people and killing of dozens have happened due to the silence of these institutions. The judiciary and media should consider it their humanitarian responsibility to play their roles in order to stop these merciless operations and use of excessive power on civilians.

Baloch Human Rights Organization demanded from government authorities to stop use of power in Balochistan and find a peaceful solution for the problems. From last one decade, the policy of using power has made the situation of Balochistan more worse instead of solving it.