Balochistan: Gross Human Rights Violations Shows Government’s Disregard for Human Rights. 96 Forcefully Disappeared, 56 Extra Judicially Executed in July. BHRO

Balochistan: Gross Human Rights Violations Shows Government’s Disregard for Human Rights. 96 Forcefully Disappeared, 56 Extra Judicially Executed in July. BHRO

Baloch Human Rights Organization’s representative issued monthly report of human rights violations, took place in Balochistan due to operations and said; the human rights situation in the month of July remains critical. In this month, in separate operations, 56 people were extra judicially executed in which reason of death of 20 people remain unknown. 9 people were extra judicially killed by forces, 22 people died in bomb blasts, target killing and in enmity, whereas, 5 beyond recognizable mutilated bodies were also recovered. Apart from these, in the month of July, 96 people were forcefully disappeared by forces. The enforced disappeared people belong to different areas of Balochistan, abducted by forces during military operations from their homes, shops and from different places.

In Quetta, many people were arrested by forces in a massive military operation while their details were not published in media. In Balochistan, Frontier Corps, a Para-military force having police authorities abducts people and shift them to unknown detention centers where they are subjected to inhumane torture. For months and years, families of these abductees are not granted access to their loved ones which is violation of international laws. Neither the enforced disappeared Baloch people are presented in the court nor they were charged and allow hiring lawyers to defend themselves. Many enforced disappeared people die in the custody due to inhumane torture.

Due to controlled media and media censor ship, the details of such incidents, taking place in Balochistan couldn’t reach the people. The provincial government kept claiming that the law and order situation in Balochistan is better but enforced disappearance of 96 people and extra judicial execution of 56 people in a period of one month is enough to repudiate government’s statements.

In Balochistan, thousands of people are being forcefully disappeared. The numbers of released people are very low as compared to enforced disappeared persons. That is why the number of enforced disappeared people is increasing day by day. Baloch Human Rights Organization received report of release of 62 people in the month of July. Majority of them were abducted in the same month.

Baloch Human Rights Organization has already expressed its concern on the critical situation of human rights in Balochistan. Once again we clarify that use of excessive power by forces has made the civilians victims of mental torture and depression. An environment of uncertainty and insecurity has developed in Balochistan. On July 29, forces killed 4 innocent youths in Kolwah. All of them belonged to the same family and their ages were in between 17 to 25 years old. Due to such incidents of extra judicial executions, people consider presence of military and Para-military forces in their areas a threat. Despite of continuity of chain of such incidents for last many years, silence of federal and provincial government shows that they don’t have any interest to stop such incidents. If institutions of justice and administration kept failing in providing security to people then it is feared that a situation of human crisis will develop.