Balochistan: HRCP has totally ignored Balochistan in its 2016 annual report. BHRO

Balochistan: HRCP has totally ignored Balochistan in its 2016 annual report. BHRO

Baloch Human Rights Organization (BHRO) expressed its concern on Human Rights Commission of Pakistan’s (HRCP) 2016 report and said that it is saddening that HRCP has totally ignored incidents of human rights violations of Balochistan in its annual report and such a behavior is contrary to the aims and objectives of the organization.

Baloch Human Rights Organization’s representative said that despite of addressing all the issues like health, education, enforced disappearances, extra judicial executions, abduction and killing on the basis of political affiliations, unemployment, problems of women, children’s right and basic human rights issues, Balochistan is not mentioned for once in the section of all aforementioned issues. Balochistan is incomparable with other provinces because the state institutions themselves are involved in human rights violations in countering ongoing insurgency in Balochistan. Most of the incidents of enforced disappearances of people and extra judicial executions take place during military operations but contrary to this, HRCP reported suicide bomb blasts behind 70% of casualties in Balochistan and didn’t mentioned recovery of mutilated bodies and casualties during military operations, which is one of the most serious human rights issue in Balochistan. 75% population of Balochistan is living in poverty whereas, 70% of the children are out of schools. These issues are not ignore able while these issues are not mentioned in Human Rights Commission of Pakistan’s annual report.

In 2016, many people were abducted on the basis of their political affiliations including student organization’s leader Shabir Baloch who is still missing. Ignoring such incidents and not mentioning them in the annual report will affect negatively on the moral structure of the organization. Baloch Human Rights Organization has sent its annual report to media outlets, journalists and human rights organizations including Human Rights Commission of Pakistan in which the details of problems of education, health, unemployment, internally displaced persons and statistics of enforced disappeared people and recovered mutilated bodies from Balochistan in 2016 were mentioned.

BHRO’s representative added that civil society organizations and human rights organizations should survey the ground realities before publishing such reports. Dependency on the media reports about Balochistan is not effective in anyway because media is not free to report about Balochistan.