Balochistan: Mass graves, abduction of people and mutilated bodies are appearing on daily basis

The Green Party Germany in collaboration with Baloch Human Rights Organization arranged an event entitled “A Glance at Human Rights Situation of Balochistan” in Cottbus Germany in which Abdullah Abbas, Secretary General of Baloch Human Rights Organization presented a detailed report on human rights violations being committed by forces in Balochistan. Britta Laursen of Amnesty International also attended the event.

Abdullah Abbas said that Balochistan is going through a humanitarian crisis and as international media and
organizations are not allowed to visit Balochistan, no one is aware of what is going on in Balochistan. International media, human rights organizations and political parties should fulfill their responsibility of being a civilized nation and raise their voice to stop abduction and extra judicial executions of Baloch people.

He added that despite of mineral resources and 700 km long coast, 80 % of the people of Balochistan are living under poverty line. People don’t have the basic facilities of clean water and electricity. United Nation in its Education Monitoring Report said that 70% of the children in Balochistan are out of school. On September 8, 2016, Abdul Rahim Ziyaratwal, provincial education minister of Balochistan addressed an occasion and said; only 30% children of the province get admission. There are 5000 ghost schools which only exist in official records and teachers are receiving salaries while sitting at home. 80% of the schools which do exist don’t have facilities of drinking water, boundary walls, sanitation system and electricity. Moreover, the teachers and professors were targeted by forces time by time.

He further added that abductions of people and mutilated bodies are appearing on daily basis in Balochistan. More than 3000 mutilated bodies were recovered from Balochistan in past one decade and forces are involved in serious human rights violations, due to which people are losing their faith in state’s constitution and law.

Discovery of mass graves in Balochistan have become cause of mental torture for the families of missing persons. In December 2013, a mass grave was discovered from Tootak, Khuzdar. On the first day of digging, Naseer Qalandarani was identified by National Identity Card placed in its pocket. He was abducted by forces from his home in Awaran. On February 20, 2017 another mass grave was discovered in Dera Bugti in which 4 people were buried including a woman.

China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has become a nightmare for the people of Balochistan. State forces operations have affected the common people the most. Thousands of families have left their homes from District Kech and Awaran and are living miserable lives of refugees in their own homeland.

Abdullah Abbas said that it is necessary that international institutions of justice and international media should play its role to stop religious extremism, appearing of mutilated bodies and help in release of missing persons and safety of political activists.