Balochistan: Military abduct seventeen including teenager and a disabled person

Balochistan: Military abduct seventeen including teenager and a disabled person

Human right violations continue unabated in Balochistan. A number of people have been reportedly abducted and forcibly disappeared by military and personnel of intelligence agencies in last few days.

Its hard to get any news from the villages under military operations, due to blockade of communication networks. Although, our volunteers have been able to send the details of seventeen cases of enforced disappearances in three districts of Balochistan. All these areas are on the route of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, a project which is one of reasons in conflict between Pakistan military and the nationalists of Balochistan.

On 8 February 2018, the security forces raided Hochat village of Dasht, district Kech, Balochistan and abducted Yaqoob Sabzal and Wahag Mohammad.

On 7 February, the forces abducted Javed Asumi and Akhter Ghulam during a house to house search operation in Menaz area of Buleda, district Kech.

From Taptáp (Kaor Posht) village in Bit Buleda, the security forces abducted Ikram Abdullah and a disabled person, Abdul Rauf Nabi Bakhsh who can not walk properly. The forces also abducted Riaz Umet and Nazir Karim Jan, residents of Parom district Panjgur, in the same village, Tatáp.

On the same day, the personnel of intelligence agencies abducted Imran Jumma from his shop in main bazar of Kahn Zangi Essai area of district Panjgur, Balochistan.

On 6 February, the security forces abducted Siraj s/o master Tahir in Kahn Zangi Essai, district Panjgur.

On the same day, the forces raided a house in ward no.2, Pasni district Gwadar and abducted Shah Jan Rahim Bakhsh from his house.

On 4 February, the forces raided Yaqoob Sanjar house in Geshti area of Parom district Panjgur and abducted his 9 years old son Ghaffar and later he was released by the forces on 07 February.

On 3 February, the security forces abducted Sál Jan s/o Kamalan, Shabir s/o Kamalan, Hassan Jan s/o Sayad, Halim s/o Iqbal and Wasim s/o Qader from Shahrak district Kech, Balochistan.

The abductees have been shifted to unknown locations and their whereabouts remain unknown to their families

The security force invloved in the cases is Frontier Corps, FC, the eyewitnesses from the area say. FC was accused and summoned by supreme court of Pakistan on the cases of missing persons in Balochistan. However, FC not only discarded the charges but also refused to be answerable to any authority.