Balochistan: Ten years old boy raped by FC personnel and dumped in a rivulet

Balochistan: Ten years old boy raped by FC personnel and dumped in a rivulet

Ten years old M. A (name kept anonymous) was raped by a Frontier Corps personnel in Hoshab area of district Kech and later dumped unconscious in a rivulet nearby.

According to details, M. A and his elder brother R. A. went to jungle in search of honey, in Hoshab area of district Kech when the soldiers stopped them on a FC check post nearby. The soldier terribly beaten up R, the elder brother and detained the younger, M.

R went home and informed his father and elder brother about detention of M. His father approached the check post and inquired about his son. Personnel said that the boy has already left. Later, the family found M lying unconscious in a nearby rivulet. The family rushed the boy to a hospital in Turbat city, about a hundred kilometers away. M. A. remained unconscious at the time of this report.

People of Hoshab have blocked the main Turbat-Panjgur highway in protest, demanding justice for the victim.

Rape is least reported criminal offense in Balochistan and Pakistan due to social pressure, loopholes in the law and order system and in cases where military and its associated death squad members are the culprit. The police not only deny acting but threaten the victims of consequences, if they wish to lodge any FIR, a first information report.

It is not the first case of rape where military forces and death squads are involved. Most of the people are silenced by the military and the civil government. However, these incidents are further fueling the conflict and pushing the masses to the walls.