Balochistan: The Silence of International institutions will encourage forces to commit more crimes. Tayyaba Baloch

Tayyaba Baloch, Vice Chairperson of Baloch Human Rights Organization (BHRO) in her video message said the humanitarian situation in Balochistan is beyond appalling.

Talking about recent incidents of women’s abduction and extrajudicial killings, she said; Security forces raided the house of Kohda Abdullah on September 16, 2018, brutally tortured his wife, Murad Khatoon to death and abduct his son Mola Bakhsh which should be condemned at all level.

The international community and human rights organizations should play a responsible role and record their serious concerns with the government officials regarding the tragic situation of Balochistan. Their silence will encourage the forces to commit more crimes against humanity without the fear of accountability, she added.