Balochistan: There will be a protest demonstration in Quetta on November 15 and a protest rally on November 19 against enforced disappearance of Nawaz Atta and other students. BHRO

Balochistan: There will be a protest demonstration in Quetta on November 15 and a protest rally on November 19 against enforced disappearance of Nawaz Atta and other students. BHRO

Baloch Human Rights Organization’s activist Tayyaba Baloch during a press conference announced the protest schedule of BHRO, conducted in the Voice for Baloch Missing Persons’ camp in Quetta. She said that Baloch Human Rights Organization will hold a protest demonstration in Quetta on November 15 and a protest rally will be organised on November 19 in Karachi against the enforced disappearance of human rights activist Nawaz Atta Baloch and other students, abducted from Karachi. Apart from these, we will also run an awareness campaign on the international level against

the incidents of disappearances.

Baloch Human Rights Organisation is a non-political organization. We publish press releases, reports and other data which are related to human rights and are as per Pakistan’s constitution and international laws; she added. But still, we are not allowed to continue our activities in Balochistan and in other parts of Pakistan. Enforced disappearance of Central Information Secretary is the evidence of the unannounced restriction and the staff of Press Club Quetta didn’t allow us for holding a press conference in fear of security institutions.

She further added that the aim of activities of BHRO is the restoration of rights of those people whom legal rights are being snatched. Our centre of struggle is the restoration of rights of those people who are

being deprived of their rights, assigned by constitution despite o being the citizen of Pakistan which is not the violation of constitution from any aspect. There are already thousands of people who are abducted from Balochistan and thousands of people whose mutilated bodies were recovered. This chain of incidents is continuing for last many years and being intensified in recent months. In recent days, the abduction of women and children from Quetta and abduction of Nawaz Atta and other minor students is the continuity of the same chain.

Tayyaba Baloch said that on October 28, 2017, Nawaz Atta and 8 other students were abducted from Karachi in two separate raids. Nawaz Atta is the resident of Gichk, Panjgur, who came to Karachi for his studies. This chain of abduction is not new. People are getting abducted from their homes in the night from Balochistan. This is also going on in Karachi. The most tragic part is the law enforcement agencies themselves are violating the law. They abduct people and didn’t present them in court. Neither we nor the families of enforced disappeared persons will be having any objection if the court sentences them for any criminal activity but on the condition that they will be provided with their legal rights to practice too.

She said that the silence of media about the incident in Karachi, silence of human rights organisations and silence of writers shows that the whole society doesn’t care. The ages of the majority of the abductees of Karachi are less than 18 years. They include 8 years old Aftab, 13 years old Ulfat and 17 years old Farhad. These children are neither released nor they were presented in any court. The abduction of Nawaz Atta and other students cannot be justified by any means. Civilised societies raise their voices against such atrocities but our society didn’t feel it until it comes to them personally.

She appeals to the Government of Sindh and Balochistan to recover Baloch Human Rights Organization’s Information Secretary, Nawaz Atta Baloch, Aftab, Sajjad, Rawat, Ulfat, Farhad, Abid,Arif and Ilyas, abducted by forces from Karachi and 16 years old Samiullah and 16 years old Muhammad Yousaf, abducted from Quetta on October 30.