Enforced disappearances have escalated in Balochistan.​ Abdullah Abbas

Enforced disappearances have escalated in Balochistan.​ Abdullah Abbas

Abdullah Abbas, the General Secretary of Baloch Human Rights Organization, issued a statement in the reaction of the government’s announcement of the recovery of enforced disappeared persons. He said that human rights violations are continuing with intensity. The abduction of civilians in daily operations of security forces are continued as well and due to the irresponsibility of the government, Balochistan is going through a humanitarian crisis. 

The issue of enforced disappearance is a humanitarian issue. Its solution requires serious and effective measures on humanitarian basis rather than political interests.  The issue of enforced disappeared persons in Balochistan will get more complicated unless enforced disappearances of civilians by forces are not stopped.

The General Secretary of Baloch Human Rights Organization rejected the statement of Balochis tan’s Interior Minister Zia Langove in which he claimed that the numbers of missing persons are about 200. He says that the government officials are trying to cover their failure and irresponsibility through false statements. In result, the poor people of Balochistan are continuously suffering.

During the six months of this year, 349 people are extrajudicially arrested and moved to unknown locations by forces which includes more than 40 students. 

On June 30, nine missing persons were released. On the same day, forces raided the house of Master Nasir in Mand area, forcibly disappeared his son Asad Nasir and moved him to an undisclosed location. 

Due to forces indiscriminate operations in Balochistan, no one is safe in their homes. The security forces and the secret agents are abducting the civilians in daylight and subject them to inhuman torture in custody which is a condemnable act. 

The situation of human rights in Balochistan is becoming more complicated day by day. Forces have abducted thousands of people from Balochistan, out of which 7000 people mutilated decomposed dead bodies were found dumped after years of disappearance and the same situation is ongoing today as well. If the government is serious in solving this issue, then they must release all enforced disappeared, their testimonies should be made public and those who are involved in enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings must be held accountable and brought to justice.