HR activist’s house burnt by security forces as she exposed HR violations in Balochistan
Press Conference which caused her house burnt for the fourth time. Bibi Gul (in middle), Nasrullah (on right side) and Mama Qadeer (Left). (Photo: From BHRO tweets)

HR activist’s house burnt by security forces as she exposed HR violations in Balochistan

Bibi Gul’s House is burnt for the fourth time after she held a press conference about Enforced Disappearance and Human Rights violations, on 30th August, 2016.

Bibi Gul Baloch, Chairperson of Baloch Human Rights Organization (B.H.R.O), a Human Rights Group working in and outside Balochistan to highlight the HR situation in the region, held a press conference in Quetta Press Club on 30th August, 2016, together with Nasrullah Baloch, the President and Mama Qadeer, Vice President of Vice for Baloch Missing Persons (V.B.M.P) and issued the details of Human Rights violation committed in the month of August specifically and in the year 2016, generally.

The joint press conference issued the details of the Enforced Disappearances, Fake Encounters, Military Operations and other Human Rights abuses committed by security forces.

One day after the press conference, Bibi Gul’s house was raided by security forces in Tump, District Kech, Balochistan, on early Wednesday morning at around 07:30 till 10:40 Pakistan time. “All the valuables were looted from all the rooms”, says Bibi Gul , “and rest of the things were burnt by the security forces”.

It was not the first time that her house is burnt. It is fourth time she has been facing same kind of losses for raising voice against human rights violation.

Her house was once burnt in 2013, when she started working to organize BHRO. Then in 2014, her home was bombed by security forces. In 2015 again all the house was burnt to ashes and now, on August 31 2016, once again all the necessary things and households are burnt which include clothing and beds for all the family.

“They have taken all the valuables from all 5 houses in our boundary which don’t belong to me only, but they are of my brothers’ and sisters’. They have burnt them all as well. Whatever they couldn’t take away, they just burnt them”, said Miss Gul.

“The burnt material includes around more than 2000 books which any of our family members have been collecting from time to time. There was a hut in our house, which we used to call ‘our library’, it’s burnt to ashes with all the books and notes in it”.

Media inside Pakistan is not ready to highlight the situation in Balochistan, as they have a state-directed narrative of ‘National Interest’, while international media and human rights organizations are not able to get inside Balochistan and see what people are going through. Security forces never let impartial media to visit Balochistan. Meanwhile, whoever speaks or tries to speak from inside Balochistan against these atrocities, is forced to keep silence in a way or the other, or else he/she will be killed if refuses to do as directed.