Seven persons including three young Students and a shepherd whisked away by Security Forces in Balochistan

Seven persons including three young Students and a shepherd whisked away by Security Forces in Balochistan

In Kapkapar area of Dasht Dictrict Kech, Security forces picked up four youths without showing telling any reason to them or their families. Tokal Rasool Bakhsh is a shepherd, whose job is to take the cattle of the village to the grazing lands every morning and bring all of them safe in evenings.


Others who were abducted include Murad Suleman, Hamid Ilyas and Fazal Miya Purdul who are 19, 21 and 22 years old and all three are students.

While on Friday morning, security forces raided a house in Pirandar village of Awaran District and picked up a man names Razu Wahid Bakhsh.

In anouther raid on the same day, Military picked up Abid Baloch and Latif Baloch from Gresha, District Khuzdar of Balochistan.