Balochistan: A minor and fourth member of the family tortured to death by Military

Balochistan: A minor and fourth member of the family tortured to death by Military

A 17 years old teenager, Murad jan, was called in the military camp in Rindak area of Mashkay district Awaran on Friday this week. It is a routine procedure the army has implemented after taking control of the area a few years ago. Every male member of Lanjaar Rindak village is ordered to appear in the camp, once or twice each month. The teenager was tortured in the camp for hours and later released on the condition to reappear the next day with an Urdu language interpreter.

Early Saturday morning, Murad Jan collapsed and succumbed to the injuries he sustained during custody. Murad Jan is the sixth member of his family who fell victim to the military’s inhuman treatment.

A few years ago, his grandfather, Abdul Rasool was abducted by military and kept in incommunicado detention for eighteen months in Inter College Gajjar- turned torture and detention center- one of the many educational institutions occupied and turned into illegal military detention camps in Awaran. These are in addition to many private houses belonging to political activists that have been occupied and turned into detention centers. The residents have been forced to leave the area and in some cases flea the country.

In July 2015, the military raided Murad’s maternal uncle’s home in the middle of the night and forcibly disappeared his two uncles, Gohram, Ghazi and Ghazi’s son Sarwar. All three were shot in the custody and their dead bodies were thrown near their homes.

Recently, his father Karim Dad was released after three months of enforced disappearance. He was severely tortured in custody and was never charged with any case.

Two weeks ago, Asadullah, the younger brother of Lateef Johar, deputy coordinator of our organization was called to the FC (Frontier Corps) camp, located in Gosháng village in Kolwa, Awaran of Balochistan. He was hanged by military men and severely tortured for hours.

We call upon the provincial government, federal government and ministry of human rights to investigate the incidents and bring the perpetrators to justice