Balochistan: Military tortured family members of exiled HR activist

Balochistan: Military tortured family members of exiled HR activist

Asadullah, the younger brother of Lateef Johar, an exiled human rights activist and deputy coordinator of our organization was called to the FC (Frontier Corps) camp, located in Gosháng village in Kolwa, Awaran of Balochistan two weeks ago. He was hanged by military men and severely tortured for hours.

It is not the first time that military attacked the family of Johar. In 2015, his mother and sister were tortured by the same force and their houses were burnt to ashes.

Raising the voice against any human rights violations in the society is considered a noble cause across the globe but the situation in Pakistan speak to the contrary. To keep us quiet, the perpetrators do not need to torture our families, instead stop human rights violations and respect civilians’ rights.

We condemn this unlawful action of the military and urge the human rights bodies to raise the issue with Pakistan as it is a member of United Nations Human Rights Council and a state party of human rights conventions. A state party must respect the treaties and conventions it has signed. In case of failure to respect those commitments,  to question the eligibility of a state party.