Balochistan: Eleven abductees of a military operation identified, numerous still unknown

Balochistan: Eleven abductees of a military operation identified, numerous still unknown

Pakistani security forces launched a military operation in Drachko and Solak areas of Dasht district Kech, Balochistan on Sunday, March 26, 2017.

Houses were set ablaze along with the remaining valuables after looting whatever was found worthy. Property of the villagers were destroyed.

According to the reports from Balochistan, most of the men abducted belong from the villages on the western route of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, the CPEC, a Cino-Pak project, which is one of the main reasons behind the ongoing conflict between the local people of Balochistan and the Central Government of Pakistan.

Latif Rashid, came recently back from Dubai after years to see his family, is one of the abductees and his family members shed tears fearing for his life. Latif Rashid works in Dubai, as a labor and used to come on vacations after a year or two. Abductees include 80 years old Haedar, 70 years old Qadirdad Ismail, a young student Kambar Nabi Bakhsh, Latif Khalil, Wahid Taj Muhammad, Kamal Murad, Noor Bakhsh Karim Bakhsh, Shakil Pirak, Wahid Faqir and Zahid Lal Bakhsh. The rest of the abductees are not yet confirmed but the number seems too high.

“When they reach, they just surround the whole village, drag out all the men, searching house to house, order the ladies to bring all the children and elders out of the rooms”. Rooms i.e. the huts, local people make with wood and palm tree leaves for their survival. Said a local of Balochistan, who has seen the military operation recently.

“They will ask for the Identity Card and list them, as a process of census in Balochistan”, a census which most of the local Baloch nationalists call ‘A Plan to change the demography of Balochistan’. “Then, at the end they will take most of the valuables from the huts and set the rest on fire, taking the men away with them”.

Many of such abductees are found dead after a few days, or sometimes months.

Haneef Nabi Bakhsh of Kuróstank, Dasht district Kech, was abducted by security forces on 24th of February 2017 during a same kind of a military operation. He was later ‘killed in an encounter’ and his dead body was handed over to the local levies force by the Frontier Corps, a paramilitary force being responsible for the enforced disappearances in Balochistan, according to the Judiciary and the human rights organizations of Pakistan.