Balochistan: Forcibly disappeared uncle of exiled leader killed by military
Noor Ahmed

Balochistan: Forcibly disappeared uncle of exiled leader killed by military

Noor Ahmed, a schoolteacher by profession, was extra judicially killed and his dead body dumped in Mirabad area of Tump district Kech, Balochistan, on Tuesday.

He is a resident of Pollábád, Tump district Kech, and is the uncle of Karima Baloch, chairperson of BSO-Azad, who is in exile in Canada for last two years.

He was abducted on 28 July 2016, by personnel of Frontier Corps, a paramilitary force blame for the enforced disappearance and extra judicial killing of the political activists, educationists and intellectuals in Balochistan.

There were around a dozen other passengers in the vehicle from which he was taken away. When their vehicle reached at Ghinna check post, around 40 KM away from Turbat city while going back home from Turbat, the vehicle was stopped by security forces and everyone was asked for the NIC (National Identity Cards). He was dragged out and taken away after the confirmation of his identity.

Abduction of Noor Ahmed was reported to the human rights organizations. The FIR was registered against the perpetrators. However, the judicial system of Pakistan could not hold any one responsible for the daylight forcible disappearance of Noor Ahmed till his dead body was found on Tuesday, 2 January 2018.