Balochistan: 65 people were forcefully disappeared in a week including 2 students. BHRO

The military operations in different areas of Balochistan continued with all its intensity. In last one week, 65 people are abducted by military forces mainly from district Washuk, Kech, Harnai, Awaran and Panjgur. 6 people were killed in which 2 were shot dead by security forces.

The 3 days military operation in Dasht, district Kech resulted in the enforced disappearance of more than 30 people. 9 people were released after few days whereas, the majority of them are still in the illegal detention of forces.

Nasir s/o Abdul Ghaffar Langove, abducted by security forces on December 15, 2017

On December 15, 2017, Nasir s/o Late Abdul Ghaffar Langove was abducted in front of his house. His father Abdul Ghaffar Longove was abducted on December 29, 2009, and his mutilated body was recovered on July 1, 2011. The family of Nasir have approached police to file his enforced disappearance case but the police denied to lodge FIR against security forces. He is a student at Science College Quetta and only brother of five sisters.

Separately, on December 23, another student Fida s/o Bashir was abducted from Turbat city, the district headquarter of district Kech. He is the third student forcefully disappeared in the month of December from Balochistan.

In November, 5 students were abducted from Karachi including Sanaullah Ismail, General Secretary of Baloch Student Organization Azad along with 2 other Central Committee member of the same organization and a member of Baloch National Movement, Rafique Baloch. Their whereabouts are still unknown.

The intensifying military operations across Balochistan has affected the innocent civilians the most. Enforced disappearances, extrajudicial executions and burning down of settlements has become a daily routine of security forces. The residents are compelled to migrate from their ancestor lands and are living in miserably in extreme weather conditions. Due to lack of documentation of internally displaced persons on the government level, the actual number of IDPs in Balochistan are unknown.