Balochistan: Human rights violations in Balochistan are continued with all its intensity. BHRO

Balochistan: Human rights violations in Balochistan are continued with all its intensity. BHRO

Baloch Human Rights Organization (BHRO) held a press conference in Quetta Press Club on ongoing military operations in various parts of Balochistan. Balochistan is facing a situation in which the responsibility of human rights activists and journalists increases, said BHRO’s activists. The highest number of enforced disappeared persons belongs to the smallest province as per population. Mutilated bodies are also being recovered from Balochistan. Incident of target killing, looting and incident of killing in enmity are continuously taking place but it is sad to say that national media is completely kept itself unaware and representative of provincial government are not only completely silent but also keeping whole society in dark.

Balochistan is facing violence, operations and worse law and order situation for last one decade. From last 5 day

s most of the villages of district Awaran are under military siege. These areas are already deprived of electricity and clean water. A limited communication means which do exit, are blocked by forces. The roads to enter and exit th


e area are also blocked by forces. The financial means of people in these areas are from farming and breeding


livestock. In this situation the financial means of people are extremely affected.

Forces handed over 2 dead bodies to Awaran police station before 3 days, killed during the operation. Both of them were belonged to Mashkay, district Awaran. According to sources another man was killed by forces yesterday in Kolwah. He is identified as Zabad, a shepherd by profession. There are also saddening reports of torturing children and molesting women. Such incidents have very negative affect on Baloch society.

Military operations and enforced disappearances are not limited to Kolwah only. Including Makran, Saraw

an and Jhalawan are also going through the same situation. Before 2 days in Mand, borderly area of Balochistan, forces arrested more than 2 dozen people in an operation. Most of them were released after few hours while some of them are still missing. There are also reports of enforced disappearances from Tump and Dasht. Few days back, 2 beyond recognizable dead bodies were also recovered from Hub, district Lasbela, both are not identified so far.

The activists of Baloch Human Rights Organization declared these incident serious human rights violations and demanded from federal and provincial government to stop use of military powers on innocent civilians. Such operations which are continued for last one decade resulted nothing other than death of thousands of innocent civilians and political activists, thousands of houses were destroyed and inhabitants were compelled to migrate and thousands of youngsters are illegally detained in unknown detention centers for years. People are living in fear and in uncertainty. They said that human rights are being violated in this situation and it is need of time to raise voice against these violations. There will be a humanitarian crisis if institutions remain silent.