Balochistan: Release women and children immediately, abducted from Naseerabad. BHRO

Bibi Gul Baloch. Chairperson Baloch Human Rights Organization. Photo: BHRO

Baloch Human Rights Organization held a protest demonstration in front of Karachi Press Club against ongoing military operation in Naseerabad, Balochistan. A large number of human rights activists and students took part in the demonstration. The participants were carrying play cards and banners demanding safe release of women, children and civilians, abducted by forces during operations. The participants also chanted slogans in front of press club and demanded to stop military operations in Balochistan immediately.
Bibi Gul Baloch, Chairperson of Baloch Human Rights Organization addressed the participants and said that people of Balochistan are fed up from daily basis operations and arresting of people without any charges. Due to indiscriminate operations a sense of fear has developed in the society. The situation of uncertainty and insecurity has made the people victims of mental torture. The most saddened part is that instead of stopping the military operations, operations are getting intensity day by day. Most of the people are being targeted illegally in these operations. Killing of people and abducting them is illegal and inhumane act but security forces are repeating such practices on daily basis. For last few days, forces are carrying out heavy military operation in Naseerabad, Balochistan. According to media sources, around 200 people are being abducted so far. Among which most of the abductees are women and children, whereas 6 people were shot dead by forces during operations. Such operations are violation of basic human rights of people but Federal and Balochistan governments are not only silent on the use of unlimited force but also consider it a legitimate act which is condemn able.
Baloch Human Rights Organization’s Chairperson showed its concern on the abduction of human rights activists and said that abduction of Salman Haider and other activists is a very serious matter. State should stop its behavior of using force in order to solve each problem.
Baloch Human Rights Organization demanded that if someone is involved in any illegal activity he should be arrested and should be presented in front of court that the suspect could practice his constitutional rights to defend himself in court but most of the prisoners who are arrested from Balochistan are being kept away from their legal rights. The people who were arrested from Naseerabad and thousand others who were abducted from other parts of Balochistan are kept missing, rather than presenting them in courts. Such acts itself comes in the category of violation of state’s law.
Bibi Gul Baloch demanded from judiciary, media, administration and government representatives to play their role in order to stop arresting of people without any charge and safe recovery of thousands of missing persons.