Balochistan: State’s counter insurgency policies are becoming the cause of human rights violations. 28 people killed, 240 abducted in March. BHRO

Balochistan: State’s counter insurgency policies are becoming the cause of human rights violations. 28 people killed, 240 abducted in March. BHRO

Baloch Human Rights Organization has published its monthly report of human rights violations, took place in the month of March in Balochistan which states that 28 people were killed during military operations, in which 10 mutilated bodies were found including the youths, killed in the custody of forces. They were abducted by forces from different areas of Balochistan during military operations. Wahid Baloch and Nazeer are among those abductees, abducted by forces and were later killed; both were residents of Awaran and Dasht respectively. In the month of March two unrecognizable and decomposed bodies were also found whereas, cause of death of 6 people remains unknown. Other than these, 240 people including women and children were abducted by forces during military operations, conducted in this month.

On March 6, forces abducted 16 women and children from Mashkay, district Awaran. They were released after detaining them illegally for 8 days. Apart from these, 35 people were also released in this month, in which most of them were severely tortured.

Abduction of people, raids of forces and fear have become the most frightening part of people’s daily routine. People have become unsecure in their own houses due to raids on daily basis. According to the statistics of the incidents of March, district Awaran, district Kech and district Panjgur were affected the most. Hasil s/o Qasim, a school teacher was abducted by forces from his home in Tijaban area of district Kech. The next day his mutilated tortured body was found from the desolated area.

Nazeer Ahmed, a resident of Kolwah who was abducted by secret agencies last year from Jinnah International Airport after boarding a flight to Dubai was released from Turbat but he was again abducted by forces the very next day from Turbat, district Kech. During the ongoing census, forces tortured and abducted many people from Dasht. At the same time, abducted Nazeer was killed and his body was dumped by forces. In another incident forces held staff of schools hostages for participating in census. Many teachers in Dasht have become victim of forces’ torture.

Baloch Human Rights Organization’s representative briefed about these operations and said that the policies to counter insurgency have made humanitarian situation worse. Use of excessive power has also affected people’s social and financial lives. Despite of people’s poor financial conditions, forces are compelling them to migrate from their lands and due to which they are facing problems. In the month of March forces threatened residents of Hassan Goth, district Awaran to leave their land and migrate. Threatening people to leave their places without arranging alternative residents is violation of their basic rights.

Baloch Human Rights Organization showed its concern that if forces continued use of force than not only human rights situation get worse but will also finish the limited source of people’s income. He appealed to government’s representative to stop policy of using excessive power and release missing persons.