Bi-Annual Report 2018: The state of Balochistan’s Human Rights

Bi-Annual Report 2018: The state of Balochistan’s Human Rights

Balochistan: January to June 2018

Human rights situation in Balochistan has set alarm bells ringing for human rights activists as enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings continue for the last many years. International media and human rights bodies have been denied access to the affected areas while increasing number of former victims are coming out to blame Pakistan’s military for human rights violations.

In the southwestern part, Pakistan is facing an insurgency. There are many armed nationalist groups who believe the Islamabad government is exploiting the natural resources of their land and ignoring the indigenous people in any kind of development process.

The conflict turned violent in the early 2000’s when the military adopted a policy of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances to stifle the separatist movement.

Enforced Disappearances: 

Most of the cases of enforced disappearances go unnoticed, as family members of the victims are threatened to keep quiet if they wanted their loved ones back. Families have previously tried local remedies such as police or judiciary but to no avail as the powerful military is not accountable to any institution in Pakistan.

We have received partial details of 485 cases of enforced disappearances during the first half of the year. Most of the reported cases belong to four out of 32 districts of Balochistan. In majority of cases, the persons were picked up by security forces from their homes, in front of the entire families and villagers. Normally, the security forces come and siege the villages for hours, search the houses, take all men along with the valuables and leave. In some cases, military has burnt the houses and entire villages, especially in Awaran district of Balochistan.

Some of the recent cases are:


  1. Asim Amin:

Mr. Asim Amin, a sixteen years old boy who was picked up by Frontier Corps, a paramilitary force of Pakistan, on 4th March 2018 in Turbat town of Balochistan. Asim was picked up in front of the public during a festival, Makkurán Mela, which was organized by the military in full security.


  1. Imdad:

 In April, 22 years old Imdad Ghaus Baksh was abducted from Gramkan, district Panjgur. A group of armed men affiliated with a local “death squad” allegedly sponsored by the military is said to be behind Imdad’s abduction.

Imdad is the nephew of advocate Kachkol Ali, an ex-minister, former opposition leader of Balochistan Assembly and a senior member of the Baloch National Movement (BNM), a nationalist party which campaigns for the right to self-determination for the people of Balochistan.

  1. Abdul Hai Kurd:

Mr. Abdul Hai son of Jumma Kurd was abducted by security forces on 21 May 2018 and is still missing. He was sitting in Koh Baash restaurant when two Vigo pick-ups with more than 20 army personnel accompanied by intelligence agencies, encircled the restaurant and took Abdul Hai with them. Abdul Hai was blindfolded and his hands tied before being escorted to one of the waiting pick-ups. Aged 35, he was a farmer and was the only supporting member of a large family already devastated by the previously enforced disappearances.

Extra judicial killings:

There was hardly a week, where the security forces haven’t claimed to kill some ‘terrorist’ in Balochistan. However, the main targets remained innocent civilians. It shows that the security forces were either not able to differentiate the civilians from armed persons, or did it for any other reason.

144 persons were reportedly killed, mainly in four districts of Balochistan, Kech, Gwadar, Panjgur, and Awaran. In the rest of the 28 districts, we could not confirm reports due to lack of access.

There have been dozens of cases in which security forces killed the person who was in their custody, threw their dead bodies and claimed encounter.

Some are listed here, which our sources have confirmed:


  1. Noor Ahmed (master):

Noor Ahmed, a schoolteacher by profession, was extrajudicially killed and his dead body dumped in Mirabad area of Tump district Kech, Balochistan, on Tuesday.

He is a resident of Pollábád, Tump district Kech, and is the uncle of Karima Baloch, chairperson of BSO-Azad, who is in exile in Canada for last two years.

He was abducted on 28 July 2016, by personnel of Frontier Corps, a paramilitary force blamed for the enforced disappearance and extrajudicial killing of the political activists, educationists, and intellectuals in Balochistan.

There were around a dozen other passengers in the vehicle from which he was taken away. When their vehicle reached at Ghinna check post, around 40 KM away from Turbat city while going back home from Turbat, the vehicle was stopped by security forces and everyone was asked for the NIC (National Identity Cards). He was dragged out and taken away after the confirmation of his identity.

The tortured body of Mr. Noor Ahmed was found dumped in Meerabad area of Tump, district Kech on 2 January 2018.

  1. Maher Ali:

Sindh Rangers killed Mr, Maher Ali, an IDP of Balochistan, who was living in Karachi, the capital city of Sindh, on 13 March 2018 in a fake encounter.

Mr. Maher was a resident of district Awaran in Balochistan. Awaran is perhaps the area where most military operations occur with more intensity than other areas of Balochistan. In many operations, military uses gunship helicopters and fire mortars on mountainous villages in Awaran. Maher Ali and his family left their native village and lived in Karachi after his father Mayar was killed in their native village in 2006. Maher stopped his education and started working to feed his family.

His mother said in a video statement that Sindh Rangers picked him up from the house on 14 November 2016. “They said they will release him after some investigations. When it took longer, we filed a case in Sindh High Court. We appealed to the authorities through media, court and all means we could”, says Ms. Mah Bibi, the mother of Maher Ali.



  1. Azim Dad, the resident of Malar, district Awaran, was found dumped on a roadside in Hub Chowki, district Lasbella, on 05 May 2018. He was abducted by security forces on 25 April 2016 from Jinnah International Airport Karachi.
  2. Ghulam Qadir Dilshad and Akram Muhammad Issa died in the helicopter shelling during a military operation in Soler, district Washuk on March 24, while two mutilated bodies were recovered in March.
  3. Rafiq s/o Rozi mutilated body was recovered from Mochko, Karachi. He was abducted 2 years ago by security forces. His body bears several signs of torture on his body.
  4. The mutilated body of Sanaullah s/o Ghulam Qadir, a resident of Jhal Magsi was recovered from Mastung. The cause of his death is yet to be found.
  5. The mutilated body of Battey s/o Naik Muhammad, the resident of Jhao, Awaran was recovered on January 4, 2018. Battey was kidnapped on December 29, 2017, along with his father, Naik Muhammad. His father is still in the custody of forces.


  1. Nazgul:

A five-month pregnant woman, Ms. Nazgul taken away by the Pakistan military from Besima, Balochistan, died in custody of security forces on 6 April 2018.

Paramilitary Frontier Corps picked up 19 locals, including women and children, in the Besima’s Raghai area in December 2017.

They had been initially taken to the military camp in Mashkay, but later handed over to the military-backed tribal chief, Ali Haider Mohammed Hasni, who kept them hostage at a property owned by him.

Ali Haider’s guards forced Nazgul and other prisoners to work as household servants. Guards refused to call medical help as her symptoms grew fatal.

Nazgul Mohammad Iqbal was pregnant when taken into custody. She died on 6 April 2018, after showing symptoms of pregnancy-related complications.

Families of missing persons:

  1. Jumma Kurd:

In the month of May, amongst the forcibly disappeared persons include Mr. Jumma Khan Kurd’s son, Abdul Hai Kurd, who was whisked away by the security forces from Mach town on 21st May.

Mr. Jumma Khan himself is not new to the experience of waiting for a loved one who is forcibly disappeared. His another son, Ali Sher Kurd, an accomplished lawyer and a columnist was forcibly disappeared in September 2010. His bullet-riddled body was found dumped in Khuzdar on 24 September 2010. Shortly after receiving his son’s dead body, Mr. Jumma Khan’s three nephews, Ali Jan Kurd, Mumtaz Kurd and Liaquat Kurd were forcibly disappeared. Ali Jan and Mumtaz were both tortured to death and their bodies were thrown in Quetta city. Liaquat Kurd was released later after severe tortures and he is mentally unstable since then. He still suffers from long-term physical and psychological repercussions.

Mr. Jumma Khan never received any official news of his sons and nephews when they were disappeared in the past. And now, the whereabouts and conditions of his son, Abdul Hai are not being revealed to him despite his various pleadings with different officials.

Mr. Jumma neither went to the police nor using any other way to get his son, Abdul Hai, as he already exhausted all the local remedies two times before. In both cases, any remedy did not work.

  1. Ganjal wife of abducted Safar:

The case of Mr. Safar, a person forcibly disappeared by the military in 2013, came into light when his wife, Ganjal died on 2 June 2018. Mr. Safar, 24, was abducted by security forces from his house in Hub town of district Lasbela on 24 October 2013, in front of the entire family, after six months into their marriage. Miss Ganjal tried to resist the army personnel, but they were strong enough to shove her away with the butt of their gun.

The couple was resident of Labaach, Awaran of Balochistan. Their families left the village and shifted to Hub town, as there were continuous military operations in the area.

Miss Ganjal ran and knocked every door to get a news of her husband. She gradually became a patient of anxiety, hypertension after feeling helpless.

The doctors knew her mental condition but could not find a cure. She suffered from an illness nearly all relatives of enforced disappeared persons suffer. When the medicaments failed to cure her, they tried counselling. However, counselling helps only temporarily. So, Ganjal had her last anxiety attack on 2 June 2018 without knowing where Safar is.

Forced evacuation of villages:

The military has escalated search operations in many areas, forcing people to vacate their villages and settle around the larger military camps, in tehsils of district headquarters. The military has burnt dozens of huts (houses of the villagers) in the mountainous areas. Dozens of such settlements have been forcefully evacuated in district Awaran of Balochistan, where 118,173 people live on 12,510 sq km land with a population density of 4 persons per sq km.

  1. “Sixty years old F (name is not revealed for security reasons) along with his 15 members family is a victim of such forced IDPs in the region. He is a farmer, owning an agriculture land with more than a hundred date trees and more than two hundred trees of mangoes. He and his family worked on his land to eke a living. He is also a sheep farmer, owning dozens of goats.

He, his wife, sons and daughters, sons- and daughters-in-law, and grandchildren lived in the town near the military’s camp. They all were displaced in recent evacuations.

  1. 50 years old M (name held) opened his eyes with the sound of military boots at around 04:00 local time. Before he was fully awake, he felt heavy boots pressing against his body. All the men in his family were tortured till dawn when they were lined up in the center of the village along with other men of the village. All of them were once again kicked and punched and beaten with sticks, insulted and abused. Finally, the military announced its ultimatum to leave their houses at the earliest and to shift M’s village in district Awaran. More than a dozen families are living a miserable life in the new place without any help.

Many such families are being kept in the illegal detention of local armed tribal leaders aligned with the military. The persons are forced to do domestic chores in return for bread. They don’t have access to medical assistance if required.

We have received seven cases of forced evacuation in the month of June 2018 only. While the rest of the cases are to be documented. We are aware of dozens of such cases in the year 2018.


Persecution of women and children:

Miss Shazia Qadir Bakhsh, Nazia Qadir Bakhsh, Hawa Khuda Bakhsh, Shah Gul Khuda Bakhsh, Farida Hashim were abducted by security forces from their houses in Rakhshan, district Awaran on 4 June 2018. They were kept in military camps for almost a week and later released. They are still afraid to talk of it. They kept weeping days and nights when they came back. They refuse to tell the story of what had happened to them in the military camp.

Ms. Gul Bano and Ms. Saima Anis were picked up by security forces from their house on 27 June 2018. They are residents of Kohado village of Jhau, district Awaran. They were kept in military camp for three days and then released. One of Ms. Samia Anis’s cousins said she has marks of torture on her body but she does not want to talk what they have been through in the military camp.

More than a dozen ladies and children are in illegal detention of Sardar Ali Haidar Mohammad Hasni, in Mashkay area of district Awaran. They were abducted by security forces from Raghai area of Besima in December 2017. They were kept in the military camp in Mashkay for some time and were later kept in Mohammad Hasni’s house. The house is being used as the detention center. Ali Haidar is well known for its connection with military and has been involved in the killing of the political workers in the region.

Ms. Jamila Swali, a resident of Hoshab district Kech was shot killed by unknown gunmen in her house on 1 April 2018. Children say some masked men broke into their house, dragged their mother out and opened fire. She died on spot.

Another lady, Bilqis, a schoolteacher was shot killed in Dasht area of district Kech in May 2018. The reasons and the killers remained unknown in both cases, Jamila and Bilqis.

Remedies and Local Justice System:

  1. Miss Zahra Mehrab went to Turbat Police Station to lodge the FIR (First Information Report) against the forcible disappearance of her uncle, Noor Ahmad.

Noor Ahmed was teacher and resident of Phulabad, Tump district Kech. He was the uncle of Karima Baloch, the chairperson of Baloch Students Organization. Mr. Noor Ahmed was abducted by the Security Forces on 26 July 2016 while he was traveling back to his home from Turbat. The other passengers in the van witnessed his abduction when the van was stopped at Ginah Frontier Corps check post and all the passengers’ ID cards were checked. After confirming the identity of Noor Ahmed, he was blindfolded and offloaded from the vehicle.

Turbat police refused to lodge the FIR against the security forces, saying they only may register the case if Ms. Zahra says her uncle was abducted by unknown gunmen, not FC (Frontier Corps, a paramilitary force responsible for the enforced disappearance and extrajudicial killings in Balochistan).

She then approached Human Rights Commission of Pakistan’s coordinator for Turbat task force. Mr. Professor Ghani Parwaz, the novelist, critic of Balochi language, professor in Turbat University and the coordinator of HRCP accompanied her to the police station.

“Police further terrorized the family by saying ‘if you launch a case against FC, it would put your self and the rest of your family at risk. You know FC won’t listen to anyone. They will release him when they want’ they say’, said Mr. Parwaz when we called him for an update.

Miss Zahra, then traveled more than 700 KM to Quetta, the capital of Balochistan and submitted an application in Balochistan High Court.

The remedies and the judicial system remained quiet till the tortured body of Mr. Noor Ahmed was found dumped in Meerabad, Tump district Kech on 2 January 2018.

  1. In another case, Ms. Mah Bibi, mother of Maher Ali, approached all the police stations, Sindh High Court to get the news of her abducted son who was abducted by Sindh Rangers on 14 November 2016. Rangers picked him up from the house when Maher was sleeping. All the family witnessed the abduction.

The family is basically from Balochistan and migrated to Karachi to avoid the risks and threats of constant military operations in their village in Awaran.

Mah Bibi tried to lodge the FIR against the disappearance of her son, police in Karachi refused. She then filed a case in Sindh High Court and approached media to publish and highlight the issue.

The court remained quiet until her son was killed by Sindh Rangers in a fake encounter on 13 March 2018.

This happens with every family, if they wish to try the remedies, Pakistan has promised to have formed in all the state party reports submitted with Treaty Bodies of the conventions it has sigend and ratified.

Released Victims:

 187 previously abducted and disappeared persons were released in the first half of this year. They were illegally detained by security forces and remained in their custody. None of them were ever trialed nor were they presented in any court. The reappeared persons include the people who were disappeared before 3/5 years. Most of them reappeared with long bear and a shaved mustache, which shows an institutionalized Islamization of the person in the torture cell during their disappearance.

It is a positive step that some people are released but there are still thousands of people in the illegal custody of forces who are deprived of their constitutional right of hiring a lawyer and defending themselves. We have serious concerns about their lives and well being.

This report is researched and issued by Baloch Human Rights Organization and Human Rights Council of Balochistan.



Victims of enforced disappearance

S. No.NameF. NameGenderAddressDate of Abduction
1SuleimanAbbasMaleSulo, Buleda, District Kech1-Jan-18
2PeerjanNoorjanMaleSulo, Buleda, District Kech1-Jan-18
3HayatIshaqMaleBahot Chat, Dasht, District Kech1-Jan-18
4Mir Muhhammad BugtiMaleZain Loti, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti2-Jan-18
5Mesri bugtiRaja BugtiMaleZain Loti, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti2-Jan-18
6Mehrullah BugtiMaleZain Loti, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti2-Jan-18
7AyubRaja BugtiMaleZain Loti, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti2-Jan-18
8KahiriLal BugtiMaleZain Loti, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti2-Jan-18
9BachaAli Murad BugtiMaleZain Loti, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti2-Jan-18
10MandoShah Nawaz BugtiMaleZain Loti, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti2-Jan-18
11LahriShah Nawaz BugtiMaleZain Loti, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti2-Jan-18
12BajliShah Nawaz BugtiMaleZain Loti, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti2-Jan-18
13Muhammad HaneefAbdullahMaleKallari, Gichk, District Panjgur3-Jan-18
14Muhammad AslamDost MuhammadMaleKallari, Gichk, District Panjgur3-Jan-18
15Dr. Muhammad GulWali MuhammadMaleKallari, Gichk, District Panjgur3-Jan-18
16HameedRasool BakhshMaleMochen Sol, Dandar, Dasht, District Kech3-Jan-18
17BabatMaleNizrabad, Tump, District Kech4-Jan-18
18SajjadAsadMaleSari Kahn, Turbat, District Kech4-Jan-18
19AslamAllah DadMaleSeestagan, Jhao, District Awaran5-Jan-18
20ShoaibSarwarMaleAlandoor, Buleda, District Kech5-Jan-18
21Hussain BakhshSwaliMaleDal Bedi, Awaran, District Awaran5-Jan-18
22DawoodHaji Muhammad RahimMaleBalicha, Tump, District Kech7-Jan-18
23Huzoor Bakhsh Chandra zaiMaleZain Koh, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti7-Jan-18
24WahidSayyadMaleWard No. 7, Pasni, District Gwadar7-Jan-18
25Jumma KhanSayyadMaleWard No. 7, Pasni, District Gwadar7-Jan-18
26SaleemBorJanMaleKulanch, Pasni, District Gwadar9-Jan-18
27IltafHaji Sher JanMaleNaag, Zamuran, District Kech12-Jan-18
28Noor Jan, MasterLal BakhshMaleNaag, Zamuran, District Kech12-Jan-18
29ZahidHaji Sher JanMaleNaag, Zamuran, District Kech12-Jan-18
30Waheed, DrMubarrakMaleNaag, Zamuran, District Kech12-Jan-18
31BaharNokapMaleGichk, District Panjgur13-Jan-18
32Sher DilNokapMaleGichk, District Panjgur13-Jan-18
33AsadAllah DadMaleGawash, Duraski, District Awaran13-Jan-18
34PehluAzlihan BugtiMaleOuch, Sui, District Dera Bugti13-Jan-18
35JammuAzlihan BugtiMaleOuch, Sui, District Dera Bugti13-Jan-18
36Huzoor Bakhsh BugtiMaleZain Koh, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti15-Jan-18
37WisaakDilhaq BugtiMaleZain Koh, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti15-Jan-18
38GhafoorAbdul LatifMaleOkar, Jiwani, District Gwadar17-Jan-18
39RahmatullahSultan BugtiMalePirkoh, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti18-Jan-18
40PagriLal BugtiMalePirkoh, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti18-Jan-18
41AsumiTaj MuhammadMaleLindiki, Duraski,District Awaran19-Jan-18
42Khuda DadMaleJungle Abad, Gwarkop, District Kech20-Jan-08
43Muslim, MullaAbabakarMaleKor Posht, Buleda, District Bueda21-Jan-18
44AslamBahadurMaleSari Kallag, Gwarkop,District Kech21-Jan-18
45SaddamKhair MuhammadMaleNizrabad, Tump, District Kech21-Jan-18
46SajidWahidMaleKohad, Tump, District Kech23-Jan-18
47SharafYahyaMaleNodiz, District Kech23-Jan-18
48ShakeelNadilMalePanjgur, District Panjgur24-Jan-18
49IslamRasheedMalePanjgur, District Panjgur24-Jan-18
50ShahabHaji Raz MuhammadMaleResh Pesh, Paroom, District Panjgur24-Jan-18
51AzizAshrafMaleMondo, Gwadar, District Gwadar24-Jan-18
52Haji Rahim BakhshShikari ArzooMaleGajjali, Mashkay, District Awaran24-Jan-18
53s/o Lalo PirdaniMaleBolan, District Kacchi26-Jan-18
54s/o Lalo PirdaniMaleBolan, District Kacchi26-Jan-18
55AprosiMurad Ali LanghaniMaleBolan, District Kacchi26-Jan-18
56Murad Ali LanghaniMaleBolan, District Kacchi26-Jan-18
57Fazal Khan MazaraniMaleBolan, District Kacchi26-Jan-18
58Hazal Khan MazaraniMaleParko, Khuzdar, District Khuzdar26-Jan-18
59Gulab KhanMaleBolan, District Kacchi26-Jan-18
60Lalo MazaraniMaleBolan, District Kacchi26-Jan-18
61Gul Hassan SumalaniMaleBolan, District Kacchi26-Jan-18
62Meshdar SumalaniMaleBolan, District Kacchi26-Jan-18
63Shadi Gul ChalghariMaleBolan, District Kacchi26-Jan-18
64Badho MazaraniMaleBolan, District Kacchi26-Jan-18
65Taimoor KhanMaleBolan, District Kacchi26-Jan-18
66Akbar SumalaniMaleBolan, District Kacchi26-Jan-18
67Gaazo SumalaniMaleBolan, District Kacchi26-Jan-18
68Hapadsi Muhammad HassaniMaleBolan, District Kacchi26-Jan-18
69Piro Muhammad HassaniMaleBolan, District Kacchi26-Jan-18
70Jumma Khan Muhammad HassaniMaleBolan, District Kacchi26-Jan-18
71JalambTor Khan MazaraniMaleBolan, District Kacchi26-Jan-18
72Haji Aziz SumalaniMaleBolan, District Kacchi26-Jan-18
73LiaquatHaji Ghulam MustafaMaleZehri, Khuzdar, District Khuzdar26-Jan-18
74Khaliq DadMaleGarbok Tal, Bolan, District Kacchi28-Jan-18
75Haji ZaragMaleGarbok Tal, Bolan, District Kacchi28-Jan-18
76PazoMaleGarbok Tal, Bolan, District Kacchi28-Jan-18
77MuradMaleGarbok Tal, Bolan, District Kacchi28-Jan-18
78Haji Imam BakhshMaleGarbok Tal, Bolan, District Kacchi28-Jan-18
79SarwarMaleMenaz, Buleda, District Kech30-Jan-18
80PirjanNoor JanMaleMenaz, Buleda, District Kech30-Jan-18
81BasitSattarMaleMenaz, Buleda, District Kech30-Jan-18
82ZareefMaleMenaz, Buleda, District Kech30-Jan-18
83HamidMaleMenaz, Buleda, District Kech30-Jan-18
84Mir JanLal MuhammadMaleShahrak, District Kech31-Jan-18
85MuzahirNaseer AhmedMaleDanney Sar Absor, Turbat, District Kech31-Jan-18
86MazarFazalMaleShahrak, District Kech31-Jan-18
87AmirWaliMaleShahrak, District Kech31-Jan-18
88AsifKhudadadMaleAlandoor, Buleda, District Kech31-Jan-18
89Meer JanLal MuhammadMaleSharak, District Kech1-Feb-18
90ShabirMaleKhuzdar, District Khuzdar2-Feb-18
91WaseemQadeerMaleSharak, District Kech3-Feb-18
92HaleemIqbalMaleSharak, District Kech3-Feb-18
93Hassan JanSayadMaleSharak, District Kech3-Feb-18
94ShabirKamalanMaleSharak, District Kech3-Feb-18
95Saal janKamalanMaleSharak, District Kech3-Feb-18
96IqbalQadir BuxMaleKhudabadan, Panjgur,District Panjgur3-Feb-18
97Bahram BugtiMaleRabi, Peerpul, Naseerabad, District Naseerabad3-Feb-18
98Nabi DostKura BugtiMaleRabi, Peerpul, Naseerabad, District Naseerabad3-Feb-18
99MoriyaSuleman BugtiMaleRabi, Peerpul, Naseerabad, District Naseerabad3-Feb-18
100JabarDur Muhammad BugtiMaleRabi, Peerpul, Naseerabad, District Naseerabad3-Feb-18
101Khair UllahBohair BugtiMaleRabi, Peerpul, Naseerabad, District Naseerabad3-Feb-18
102NaeemGanguzarMaleKuchag, Buleda, District Kech4-Feb-18
103HasilGanguzarMaleKuchag, Buleda, District Kech4-Feb-18
104IlyasMusaMaleShadi Kaur, Pasni, District Gwadar5-Feb-18
105SidiqWashiMaleShadi Kaur, Pasni, District Gwadar5-Feb-18
106AltafDost MuhammadMaleBit, Buleda, District Kech5-Feb-18
107Noor janLiaquatMaleBuleda, District Kech6-Feb-18
108NazeerKarim JanMaleParom, District Panjgur7-Feb-18
109RiazUmaitMaleParom, District Panjgur7-Feb-18
110Abdul RaufNabi BakhshMaleKaur Posht Bit, Buleda, District Kech7-Feb-18
111AkramAbdullahMaleKaur Posht Bit, Buleda, District Kech7-Feb-18
112AkhtarGhulamMaleMehnaz, Buleda, District Kech7-Feb-18
113JavedAsumiMaleMehnaz, Buleda, District Kech7-Feb-18
114ShahjanRaheem BakhshMaleWard No. 2, Pasni, District Gwadar7-Feb-18
115Wali DadMaleNarak, Gresha, District Khuzdar8-Feb-18
116Mula BakhshMaleNarak, Gresha, District Khuzdar8-Feb-18
117DaulatMaleNarak, Gresha, District Khuzdar8-Feb-18
118NooraMaleNarak, Gresha, District Khuzdar8-Feb-18
119Khan MuhammadMaleNarak, Gresha, District Khuzdar8-Feb-18
120Mir Jamal KhanMaleNarak, Gresha, District Khuzdar8-Feb-18
121Wali DadMaleKocha, Greshag, District Khuzdar8-Feb-18
122Naik MuhammadKhuda BakhshMaleChotok, Mashkay, District Awaran8-Feb-18
123Hasil khanSulemanMaleSrich, Gresha, District Khuzdar8-Feb-18
124Rahim BakhshMurad BakhshMaleHingoli Ziyarat, Buleda, District Kech9-Feb-18
125Rahim BakhshKhan MuhammadMaleHingoli Ziyarat, Buleda, District Kech9-Feb-18
126SaraAli MuradFemaleChotok, Mashkay, District Awaran9-Feb-18
127Khair BanoBahramFemaleChotok, Mashkay, District Awaran9-Feb-18
128Zar BibiMurad KhanFemaleChotok, Mashkay, District Awaran9-Feb-18
129Lal BibiAtta MuhammadFemaleChotok, Mashkay, District Awaran9-Feb-18
130Manzoor MairajMaleZehri, District Khuzdar10-Feb-18
131NawabGhulam HusssainMaleKalshan, Parom, District Panjgur12-Feb-18
132YaseenMuradMaleCheer Gadadi, Balgathar, District Panjgur12-Feb-18
133Abdul HaqMuhammad HassanMaleCheer Gadadi, Balgathar, District Panjgur12-Feb-18
134SirajAhmadMaleGichak,District Panjgor12-Feb-18
135YasirMaleAlandoor, Buleda, District Kech12-Feb-18
136NadeemHaji SaleemMaleAlandoor, Buleda, District Kech12-Feb-18
137WaseemJalalMaleAlandoor, Buleda, District Kech12-Feb-18
138SabirMaleMula Kareem Bakhsh Ward, Gwadar, District Gwadar13-Feb-18
139HafeezIsmailMaleMula Kareem Bakhsh Ward, Gwadar, District Gwadar13-Feb-18
140YasirAmeenMaleMula Kareem Bakhsh Ward, Gwadar, District Gwadar13-Feb-18
141ShabirAssaMaleNalonj, Zamuran, District Kech14-Feb-18
142HamzaMaleKahn Posht, Turbat, District Kech14-Feb-18
143FarooqMullah HameedMaleKahn Posht, Turbat, District Kech14-Feb-18
144AnwarWashdilMaleGurrani, Pasni, District Gwadar14-Feb-18
145AyazNagumanMalePasni wad no 1, Pasni, District Gwadar15-Feb-18
146HammalJummaMaleUmri Kahn, Turbat, District Kech15-Feb-18
147SaddamMuhammad HashimMaleKahn, Gichk, District Panjgur16-Feb-18
148BarkatullahMuhammad HashimMaleKahn, Gichk, District Panjgur16-Feb-18
149Abdul KarimMaleMalant Cheri Bazar, Tump, District Kech16-Feb-18
150RashidMaleMalant Cheri Bazar, Tump, District Kech16-Feb-18
151AslamUmaithanMaleJatani Bazar, Dasht, District Kech16-Feb-18
152MaqdomPendokMaleJatani Bazar, Dasht, District Kech16-Feb-18
153MujahidMaleNizrabad, Tump, District Kech18-Feb-18
154UzairMalangMaleKohda Hakeem Bazar, Parom, District Panjgur19-Feb-18
155Muhammad Aleem KhudraniMaleTrasani, Zehri, Distrit Khuzdar19-Feb-18
156s/o Karam KhanMaleTrasani, Zehri, Distrit Khuzdar19-Feb-18
157Karam KhanMaleTrasani, Zehri, Distrit Khuzdar19-Feb-18
158Muhammad AlimRasool BakhshMaleKalshan, Parom, District Panjgur19-Feb-18
159PanoAhmed Din BugtiMaleOch, Sui, District Kech20-Feb-18
160MuradDur MuhammadMaleMullan, Mand, District Kech21-Feb-18
161AslamMaleSibi, District Sibi21-Feb-18
162ChakarMaleSibi, District Sibi21-Feb-18
163ItwaMaleSibi, District Sibi21-Feb-18
164s/o AshrafMaleSibi, District Sibi21-Feb-18
165AshrafMaleSibi, District Sibi21-Feb-18
166KhadimMaleSibi, District Sibi21-Feb-18
167ManzurMaleSibi, District Sibi21-Feb-18
168s/o AbdullahMaleSibi, District Sibi21-Feb-18
169AbdullahMaleSibi, District Sibi21-Feb-18
170Ghulam MohammadMaleSibi, District Sibi21-Feb-18
171AturMaleSibi, District Sibi21-Feb-18
172YousufMaleSibi, District Sibi21-Feb-18
173DenaMaleSibi, District Sibi21-Feb-18
174Khuda BakhshMaleSibi, District Sibi21-Feb-18
175s/o Ghulam QadirMaleSani Shoran, Sibi, District Sibi21-Feb-18
176Ghulam QadirMaleSani Shoran, Sibi, District Sibi21-Feb-18
177AmjidGhulam QadirMaleMaheer, Mand, District Kech 21-Feb-18
178MujahidRahmdilMaleGwarkop, District Kech21-Feb-18
179BaboMaleBahadi, Gresha, District Khuzdar22-Feb-18
180Azeem KhanMaleBahadi, Gresha, District Khuzdar22-Feb-18
181RahimMaleBahadi, Gresha, District Khuzdar22-Feb-18
182KhalidGhulam RasoolMalePanodi, Dasht, District Kech22-Feb-18
183ShamimMuhammad AktarMaleShay Seechi, Dasht, District Kech22-Feb-18
184Gul SherHanifMaleShay Seechi, Dasht, District Kech22-Feb-18
185Muhammad RahimShugrullahMaleShay Seechi, Dasht, District Kech22-Feb-18
186AmjidNoor BakhshMaleShay Seechi, Dasht, District Kech22-Feb-18
187Muhammad JanGhulam JanMaleShay Seechi, Dasht, District Kech22-Feb-18
188AbdulGhulam JanMaleShay Seechi, Dasht, District Kech22-Feb-18
189AzumMajeedMaleShay Seechi, Dasht, District Kech22-Feb-18
190RahimMajeedMaleShay Seechi, Dasht, District Kech22-Feb-18
191KarimMajeedMaleShay Seechi, Dasht, District Kech22-Feb-18
192ShokatWahid BakhshMaleHoshab, District Kech23-Feb-18
193DodaDin MuhammadMaleAlangi, Mashkay, District Awaran23-Feb-18
194NaseerMajeedMalePhulabad, Tump, District Kech23-Feb-18
195KaleemAlimMaleKalan, Kharan, District Kharan24-Feb-18
196HammalMaleMenaz, Buleda, District Kech24-Feb-18
197BasitKhuda BakhshMaleMenaz, Buleda, District Kech24-Feb-18
198NisarUsmanMaleMenaz, Buleda, District Kech24-Feb-18
199AbidAbdul HameedMaleMenaz, Buleda, District Kech25-Feb-18
200Sarfaraz TagappiMaleKharan, District Kharan26-Feb-18
201NadeemRasool BakhshMaleBit, Buleda, District Kech26-Feb-18
202Allah BakhshMuradMaleNokabad, Duraski, District Awaran27-Feb-18
203Atta MuhammadKhair BakhshMaleDamb, Hoshab, District Kech27-Feb-18
204HaleepNaik MuhammadMaleBazdad, Awaran, District Awaran27-Feb-18
205Naik MuhammadMaleBazdad, Awaran, District Awaran27-Feb-18
206HazarSakimMaleUmri Kahn, Turbat, District Kech27-Feb-18
207HafeezMuhammad AlimMaleGramkan, Panjgur, District Panjgur28-Feb-18
208AneesAbdul KhaliqMaleTasp, Panjgur, District Panjgur2-Mar-18
209AkramMaleMalant, Tump, District Kech3-Mar-18
210BabaMaleMalant, Tump, District Kech3-Mar-18
211SudeerAminMaleJumbor, Kolwa, District Awaran3-Mar-18
212FahadIbrahimMaleMalant, Tump, District Kech4-Mar-18
213BahramAllah DadMaleSari Gadagi, Balgatar, District Panjgur4-Mar-18
214MujahidShahdadMaleDandal, Shapuk, District Kech4-Mar-18
215AzeemImam BakhshMaleMalant Tump District Kech4-Mar-18
216JalaiMaleBand Gwaz, Tump, District Kech4-Mar-18
217SageerMaleBand Gwaz, Tump, District Kech4-Mar-18
218Nek SalehEid MohammadMaleKenichi Kaur, Kolwa, District Awaran5-Mar-18
219Miyya BahramEid MohammadMaleKenichi Kaur, Kolwa, District Awaran5-Mar-18
220WahagMiyya MadadMaleKenichi Kaur, Kolwa, District Awaran5-Mar-18
221Asim BalochMuhammad AminMaleKahn Posht, Turbat, District Kech5-Mar-18
222AkhterHammalMaleKeelkor, Balgathar, District Panjgur6-Mar-18
223NiazAbdullahMaleKolwa, District Awaran6-Mar-18
224AwazMalangMaleTank, Hoshab, District Kech7-Mar-18
225Ali BakhshQadir BakhshMaleTank, Hoshab, District Kech7-Mar-18
226SamadAli JanMaleTank, Hoshab, District Kech7-Mar-18
227SageerMaleTump, District Kech7-Mar-18
228TufailRafiqMaleAsiabad, Tump, District Kech7-Mar-18
229AzeemDad RaheemMaleKauda Yousuf Mehala, Absar, District Kech8-Mar-18
230DiljanMohammadMaleAbdoi, Zamuran, District Kech8-Mar-18
231SamadBijjarMaleBal Hoshab District Kech8-Mar-18
232BalachMoosaMaleAbdoi, Zamuran, District Kech8-Mar-18
233SudeerMaleShapuk, District Kech9-Mar-18
234NasirDil MuradMalePullabad Tump District Kech9-Mar-18
235JaffarMol DadMaleReesh Peesh, Paroom, District Panjgur10-Mar-18
236HaneefMohammad AminMaleParoom, Panjgur, District Panjgur11-Mar-18
237AzeemPeeralMaleDarchko, Dasht, District Kech11-Mar-18
238Khalid NaveedJan MohammadMaleWashuk, District Washuk12-Mar-18
239AzizKhan MohammadMaleWashuk, District Washuk12-Mar-18
240Khalid ShahbazJalal KhanMaleRodbun, Tump, District Kech13-Mar-18
241Mulla AbidMaleKahn Zilag, Askani Chamag, District Awaran13-Mar-18
242Khuda BakhshMaleKahn Zilag, Askani Chamag, District Awaran13-Mar-18
243ShakirMaleKahn Zilag, Askani Chamag, District Awaran13-Mar-18
244Azoor BakhshKhuda BakhshMaleKahn Zilag, Askani Chamag, District Awaran13-Mar-18
245Kareem BakhshBijjarMaleKallari, Harooni Dann, District Awaran13-Mar-18
246SwaliHammalMaleKallari, Harooni Dann, District Awaran13-Mar-18
247MuheemBahadurMaleBalicha, Tump, District Kech13-Mar-18
248Mol JanYousufMaleBalicha, Tump, District Kech13-Mar-18
249Shah DostAzeemMaleReesh Peesh, Paroom, District Panjgur14-Mar-18
250KabulHayatMaleMuch Kartag, Bolan District Kachhi
251JangiyaanShah MirMaleMuch Kartag, Bolan District Kachhi
252MirJanSayadanMaleMuch Kartag, Bolan District Kachhi
253Abdul RazaqHassanMaleDarmiyani Bent, Awaran, District Awaran16-Mar-18
254Abdul HameedMohammad KarimMaleBazdad Geshtri, Awaran, District Awaran17-Mar-18
255HaneefAbdul MajeedMaleDalsar, Mand, District Kech 17-Mar-18
256Mohammad YounusAbdul HakeemMaleChakal, Panjgur, District Panjgur18-Mar-18
257Salman ZaffarZaffar MohammadMaleAsiabad, Tump, District Kech18-Mar-18
258WaheedRafiqMaleMenaz, Buleda, District Kech20-Mar-18
259Dad MohammadAzizMaleGawak, Mand, District Kech21-Mar-18
260Abdul WahabAli MohammadMaleJathani Bazar, Dasht, District Kech24-Mar-18
261HussainKhan MohammadMaleDalsar, Mand, District Kech 24-Mar-18
262AshrafJummaMaleSolir, Pendok Village, District Washuk24-Mar-18
263RehkoPindokMaleSolir, Pendok Village, District Washuk24-Mar-18
264Basit JanPindokMaleSolir, Pendok Village, District Washuk24-Mar-18
265Ghulam JanPindokMaleSolir, Pendok Village, District Washuk24-Mar-18
266WashdilAmeer BakhshMaleChetkan, Panjgur, District Panjgur25-Mar-18
267Abdul MalikMaleKilah Dagh, Kharan, District Kharan25-Mar-18
268Abdul MajidMaleKilah Dagh, Kharan, District Kharan25-Mar-18
269YasirNasirMaleKaleero, Bal Nigwar, Dasht, District Kech26-Mar-18
270MansoorUsmanMaleGomazi, Tump, District Kech27-Mar-18
271DilbodBaharMaleSolir, Washuk, District Washuk27-Mar-18
272ZubairFidaMaleMalikabad, Tump, District Kech29-Mar-18
273SaddamSabzalMaleMalikabad, Tump, District Kech29-Mar-18
274Ahmed AliUsmanMaleWapda Bazar, Tump, District Kech30-Mar-18
275AlimHaji ImamMaleNondada, Awaran, District Awaran30-Mar-18
276MuneerFaqeer MohammadMaleNali, Balgatar, District Kech31-Mar-18
277ZyadullahBabo Rahmat AliMaleWashbood, Panjgur, District Panjgur1-Apr-18
278MunirFaqir MuhammadMaleBalgathar, District Panjgur1-Apr-18
279SaleemMuradMaleKaur-e-Posht, Buleda, District Kech2-Apr-18
280Mohim JanMaleTaloi Bazar, Dasht, District Kech2-Apr-18
281Amanat HasratMaleKharan, District Kharan3-Apr-18
282NaseerMaleTagranabad, Tump, District Kech4-Apr-18
283ZahoorAbdul LatifMaleTagranabad, Tump, District Kech4-Apr-18
284Abdul RazzaqDad MuhammadMaleNawano, Zamuran, District Kech5-Apr-18
285KamranNoor BakhshMaleMehnaz, Buleda, District Kech6-Apr-18
286MajeedSaleemMaleSingabad, Tejaban, District Kech6-Apr-18
287QambarMuradMaleSingabad, Tejaban, District Kech6-Apr-18
288HassanDur MuhammadMaleSingabad, Tejaban, District Kech6-Apr-18
289Naeem BalochMaleKhairabad, District Kech7-Apr-18
290HaneefAslamMaleKhairabad, District Kech7-Apr-18
291YounusShambayMaleBal Negwar, Dasht, District Kech8-Apr-18
292Sana JanKhair JanMaleSoler, Tobah Pashtkoh, District Washuk8-Apr-18
293JalalMurad AliMaleUmri Kahn, Turbat, District Kech9-Apr-18
294QasumSwal JanMaleUmri Kahn, Turbat, District Kech9-Apr-18
295WarisGhafoorMaleJan Muhammad, Dasht, District Kech9-Apr-18
296AbdullahHidayatMaleJan Muhammad, Dasht, District Kech9-Apr-18
297Shah JanBabo Abdul SamadMaleWashbood, Panjgur, District Panjgur10-Apr-18
298AzimMurad BakhshMaleBeront Balghatar District Panjgur11-Apr-18
299MaqboolMurad BakhshMaleBeront Balghatar District Panjgur11-Apr-18
300HatimMurad BakhshMaleBeront Balghatar District Panjgur11-Apr-18
301EidooMaleWashuk, District Washuk12-Apr-18
302Khuda NazarMaleWashuk, District Washuk12-Apr-18
303MohsinMiyaMaleJan Muhammad, Dasht, District Kech13-Apr-18
304ShahoSayad MuhammadMaleJan Muhammad, Dasht, District Kech13-Apr-18
305JabirRasheedMaleJan Muhammad, Dasht, District Kech13-Apr-18
306TariqWali MuhammadMaleJan Muhammad, Dasht, District Kech13-Apr-18
307HammalAhmedMaleJan Muhammad, Dasht, District Kech13-Apr-18
308IssaWaitMaleSahaki, Balgathar, District Kech15-Apr-18
309GazeerBaiyaanMaleSingabad, Tijaban, District Kech15-Apr-18
310ShahiBaiyaanMaleSingabad, Tijaban, District Kech15-Apr-18
311MunirBaydadMaleBeront Balghatar District Panjgur15-Apr-18
312HamzaHussainMaleBeront Balghatar District Panjgur15-Apr-18
313AzeemMurad BakshMaleBeront Balghatar District Panjgur15-Apr-18
314Nabi DadHussainMaleBeront Balghatar District Panjgur15-Apr-18
315HashumHussainMaleBeront Balghatar District Panjgur15-Apr-18
316LatifHussainMaleBeront Balghatar District Panjgur15-Apr-18
317AhmedDur MuhammadMaleBeront Balghatar District Panjgur15-Apr-18
318BeebagarHussainMaleBeront Balghatar District Panjgur15-Apr-18
319LiaquatHussainMaleBeront Balghatar District Panjgur15-Apr-18
320SabzalMeeranMaleSingabad, Tijaban, District Kech15-Apr-18
321SakhiKarim BakshMaleSingabad, Tijaban, District Kech15-Apr-18
322DilshadBohairMaleSingabad, Tijaban, District Kech15-Apr-18
323CharshambayMuhammad BakhshMaleSingabad, Tijaban, District Kech15-Apr-18
324SanaullahRaheemMaleKashap, Dasht, District Kech17-Apr-18
325HatirBakhtiarMaleSingabad, Tijaban, District Kech17-Apr-18
326ZakirMuhammad KarimMaleKashap, Dasht, District Kech18-Apr-18
327IbrahimAbdul RahimMaleHoor Shooli, Dasht, District Kech19-Apr-18
328FazulWahidMalePeerandar, Awaran, District Awaran19-Apr-18
329Muhammad BakshAnwarMalePeerandar, Awaran, District Awaran19-Apr-18
330Sher JanSal MuhammadMalePeerandar, Awaran, District Awaran19-Apr-18
331AsadDil MuradMaleUmri Kahn, Turbat, District Kech19-Apr-18
332SadiqBahramMaleGwash, Paroom, District Panjgur20-Apr-18
333Muhammad JanMaleHirronk, District Kech21-Apr-18
334Faiz JanMaleHirronk, District Kech21-Apr-18
335BilalMaleQuetta, District Quetta23-Apr-18
336Imam DadGos BakhshMalePanjgur, District Panjgur24-Apr-18
337HanifDad MuhammadMalePanodi, Dasht, District Kech24-Apr-18
338SadamMalePanodi, Dasht, District Kech24-Apr-18
339Muhammad IshaqMuhammad UmerMaleLoop, Balgathar, District Panjgur25-Apr-18
340Abdul GhaniAmeenMaleLoop, Balgathar, District Panjgur25-Apr-18
341YousufSakhiMaleDarmakol, Pidrak, District Kech25-Apr-18
342Allah BakhshZabadMaleShadi Kaur, Pasni, District Gwadar26-Apr-18
343Wahid BakhshNoordinMaleGodirr, Gwarkop, District Kech26-Apr-18
344UzmanAbdul WahidMaleDrachko, Dasht, District Kech27-Apr-18
345FazalPir JanMaleJohi Jhao, District Awaran28-Apr-18
346SaddamIsmailMalePanodi, Dasht, District Kech28-Apr-18
347HanifDad MuhammadMalePanodi, Dasht, District Kech28-Apr-18
348HakeemWali MuhammadMaleDrachko, Dasht, District Kech28-Apr-18
349MohsinJumayatMalePaddi Sir, Gwadar, District Gwadar28-Apr-18
350Mullah BarkatGhulam QadirMaleRunjan, Mashkai, District Mashkai28-Apr-18
351NizamKhuda BakshMaleDuraski Choko, Awaran, District Awaran29-Apr-18
352AsadAllah DadMaleDuraski Choko, Awaran, District Awaran29-Apr-18
353QadeerMussaMaleDuraski Choko, Awaran, District Awaran29-Apr-18
354SayakkiKhuda BakhshMaleShadi Kaur, Pasni, District Gwadar29-Apr-18
355MutalibMuhammadMaleGarrey Cher, Buleda, District Kech30-Apr-18
356MuslimMuhammadMaleGarrey Cher, Buleda, District Kech30-Apr-18
357BarkatAzumMaleGarrey Cher, Buleda, District Kech30-Apr-18
358ArifMuhibullahMaleSari Kallag, Gwarkop, District Kech30-Apr-18
359MehrabRazaiMaleSari Kallag, Gwarkop, District Kech30-Apr-18
360GohramWahid BakhshMaleShapkol, District Kech1-May-18
361BakhtiarBhaiyanMaleTanzila, Kolwah, District Kech1-May-18
362AzumKamalanMaleBeront, Keelkor, District Panjgur2-May-18
363Noor BakhshSher MuhammadMaleBal Tank, Hoshab, District Kech3-May-18
364RustumKarim DadMaleBal Tank, Hoshab, District Kech3-May-18
365ShahalKarim DadMaleBal Tank, Hoshab, District Kech3-May-18
366ShafiqDur MuhammadMaleKonshkalat, Tump, District Kech4-May-18
367JavidDad RehmanMaleKonshkalat, Tump, District Kech4-May-18
368ImranSattarMaleAsiabad, Tump, District Kech4-May-18
369YasinMaleMazanband, Dasht, District Kech8-May-18
370Khuda Bakhsh, HajiMaleMazanband, Dasht, District Kech8-May-18
371ShakilRahim BakhshMaleSibdan, Dasht, District Kech8-May-18
372NadilRahim BakhshMaleSibdan, Dasht, District Kech8-May-18
373Bashir, MullaKarim BakhshMaleBahot Chat, Dash, District Kech8-May-18
374AkramSaeedMaleBahot Chat, Dash, District Kech8-May-18
375WahidJalaiMaleSibdan, Dasht, District Kech8-May-18
376Sher AhmedGhulam RasoolMaleMash Noor Gama, Zehri, District Khuzdar9-May-18
377AbdullahGhulam RasoolMaleMash Noor Gama, Zehri, District Khuzdar9-May-18
378Abdul GhaniNoor BakhshMaleGwadar, District Gwadar10-May-18
379SharifDil MuradMaleHoorr, Dasht, District Kech13-May-18
380AmjidAhmedMaleZarren Bug Dasht, District Kech13-May-18
381KhalidGhulam RasoolMalePanodi, Dasht, District Kech13-May-18
382FazalShahdadMaleGwarkop, District Kech14-May-18
383NizamPir BakhshMaleShapuk, District Kech15-May-18
384AbdinAslamMaleSari Gadagi Balgatar, District Panjgur15-May-18
385HuzoorMaleDuraski, Awaran, District Awaran17-May-18
386Noor BakhshAhmedMaleTeertej Gowash, District Awaran17-May-18
387MerajAbdullahMaleGomazi Tump, District Kech17-May-18
388AnwarKhalilMaleGomazi Tump, District Kech17-May-18
389Chakar MengalAkbarMaleWard No 6, Pasni, District Gwadar17-May-18
390SirajGohramMaleWard No 6, Pasni, District Gwadar17-May-18
391Abdul Hai KurdJumma KhanMaleMach, District Bolan21-May-18
392MaqsoodKareem Dad, MasterMaleMashkai, District Awaran23-May-18
393AzeemEidoMaleJewani, District Gwadar23-May-18
394Babo ChiragGhulam SarwarMaleJewani, District Gwadar23-May-18
395FerozQasimMaleAbsar, Turbat, Distict Kech23-May-18
396Rozi BugtiMaleMir Hassan, Naseerabad, District Naseerabad24-May-18
397Shah Murad BugtiMaleMir Hassan, Naseerabad, District Naseerabad24-May-18
398ShaukatDad MuhammadMaleGoshandar, Buleda, District Kech24-May-18
399LiaquatDad MuhammedMaleGoshandar, Buleda, District Kech24-May-18
400Siraj SanjaraniImam ud Deen SanjaraniMaleKallag, Panjgur, District Pangur25-May-18
401ArifUmer JanMaleJaori, Gichk, District Panjgor25-May-18
402Pir JanMaleLal Bazar, Jahoo, District Awaran31-May-18
403Khan JanSeth GangoMaleLal Bazar, Jahoo, District Awaran31-May-18
404Lal JanSeth GangoMaleLal Bazar, Jahoo, District Awaran31-May-18
405FarooqMuhammed Karim SanjraniMaleRish Pesh, Paroom, District Panjgur31-May-18
406NaseemMuhammed Karim SanjraniMaleRish Pesh, Paroom, District Panjgur31-May-18
407AbdiMuhammad UmerMalePishukan, District Gwadar3-Jun-18
408DeedagAliMaleBazdad Gawash, Awaran, District Awaran3-Jun-18
409SaleemWashdilMaleBazdad Gawash, Awaran, District Awaran3-Jun-18
410Faisal SheikhMaleQuetta, District Quetta4-Jun-18
411MohsinMussaMaleQazi Methag, Gwadar, District Gwadar5-Jun-18
412HanifQaiser SanjaraniMaleChakul, Panjgur, District Panjgur7-Jun-18
413QayumSaeed MuhammadMaleRek Bazar, Mand, District Kech7-Jun-18
414Wajo HussainJummaMaleRek Bazar, Mand, District Kech7-Jun-18
415WahidNusratMaleRek Bazar, Mand, District Kech7-Jun-18
416HaleemJummaMaleRek Bazar, Mand, District Kech7-Jun-18
417KhanJan MuhammadMaleGomazi, Tump, District Kech9-Jun-18
418Moj AliTangaiMaleHazar Ganji, Quetta, District Quetta9-Jun-18
419WalliaDaddi BakhshMaleHazar Ganji, Quetta, District Quetta9-Jun-18
420LiaquatBashamMaleDazen, Kolwah, District Awaran10-Jun-18
421SagheerBashirMaleMenaz, Buleda, District Kech10-Jun-18
422HidayatFateh MuhammadMaleSholeeg, Dasht, District Kech15-Jun-18
423Imam BakhshDost MuhammadMaleJan Muhammad Bazar, Dasht, District Kech15-Jun-18
424AkhtarMuhammad YousifMaleSoro, Mand, District Kech18-Jun-18
425FidaShugrullahMaleSoro, Mand, District Kech18-Jun-18
426Ghulam HussainShugrullahMaleSoro, Mand, District Kech18-Jun-18
427Abdul SattarHaji Noor MuhammadMaleSahiji, Dasht, District Kech19-Jun-18
428Abdul RaufHayatanMaleSahiji, Dasht, District Kech19-Jun-18
429HassanRagamMaleSingabad, Tijaban, District Kech19-Jun-18
430SabirMaleHirronk, District Kech19-Jun-18
431HussainMaleHirronk, District Kech19-Jun-18
432HassanRagamMaleSingabad, Tijaban, District Kech19-Jun-18
433NadeemShahdadMaleTalsar, Hoshab, District Kech21-Jun-18
434Muhammad HussainMehmoodMaleSholeeg, Dasht, District Kech21-Jun-18
435MajidImam BakhshMaleGuburd, Mand, District Kech22-Jun-18
436AbdostMiyyaMaleGuburd, Mand, District Kech22-Jun-18
437AminMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
438ShareefMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
439Ali AhmedMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
440Jan MuhammadMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
441Sher MuhammadMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
442SowaliMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
443HussainAslamMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
444Karim DadSher MuhammadMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
445Dad MuhammadNaibMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
446Muhammad ShareefEidoMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
447ObaidRahmatullahMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
448HameedRahmatullahMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
449RahmatullahDin MuhammadMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
450JalalAllah BakhshMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
451Najib7/22/2018MaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
452ShakoorGhulam MuhammadMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
453Ghulam MuhammadEid MuhammadMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
454RahmatullahKhiar JanMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
455Syed MuhamamdAllah BakhshMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
456ZaffarKhuda BakhshMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
457Khuda BakhshLashkariMaleAllangi, Mashkai, District Awaran22-Jun-18
458UmeetMolloMaleJat, Kolwah, District Awaran22-Jun-18
459AmirHamidMaleGoburd, Mand, District Kech23-Jun-18
460SalehKamalanMaleDazin, Tump, District Kech23-Jun-18
461Meer JanKamalanMaleDazin, Tump, District Kech23-Jun-18
462SanaMaleDazin, Tump, District Kech23-Jun-18
463AhsanMaleKuldan, Jiwani, District Gwadar26-Jun-18
464ChakarMaleJiwani, District Gwadar26-Jun-18
465MiskaanMaleSari Shapok District Kech26-Jun-18
466SameerBashirMaleSari Shapok District Kech26-Jun-18
467Noor MuhammadMiskaanMaleSari Shapok District Kech26-Jun-18
468TariqPir MuhammadMaleSari Shapok, District Kech26-Jun-18
469Issa KararJan MuhammadMaleDandal, Shapok, District Kech26-Jun-18
470MajidRahmdilMaleKorjo, Tump, District Kech26-Jun-18
471SabirDoshambayMaleGebun, District Kech27-Jun-18
472RahmatUmeethanMaleGebun, District Kech27-Jun-18
473PirjanBashirMaleGebun, District Kech27-Jun-18
474WaseemRafiqMaleGebun, District Kech27-Jun-18
475BadalRafiqMaleGebun, District Kech27-Jun-18
476UzairWahid BakhshMaleGebun, District Kech27-Jun-18
477Jan MuhammadPindagMaleBazdad, Awaran, District Awaran27-Jun-18
478AmirKarim BakhshMaleKoh e Posht, Mand, District Kech29-Jun-18
479SanaullahMaleSingabad, Tijaban, District Kech29-Jun-18
480Shay HaqGhaniMaleGebun, District Kech29-Jun-18
481IltafAyazMaleGebun, District Kech29-Jun-18
482SajidUmerMaleGebun, District Kech29-Jun-18
483Master UmerHaji Dur MuhammadMaleGebun, District Kech29-Jun-18
484KhalilRasool BakhshMaleKonshkalat, Tump, District Kech30-Jun-18
485Mama BahadMuhammad BakhshMaleKonshkalat, Tump, District Kech30-Jun-18

Extrajudicial killings

S.NoNameF. NameGenderAddressDate of Abduction (mm/dd/yy)Date of Killing (mm/dd/yy)Mode of Killing
1UnidentifiedFemaleAzizabad, Kalat, District Kalat1-Jan-18Decomposed beyond recognition
2UnidentifiedMaleAzizabad, Kalat, District Kalat1-Jan-18Decomposed beyond recognition
3UnidentifiedMaleAzizabad, Kalat, District Kalat1-Jan-18Decomposed beyond recognition
4Noor AhmadHaji Khan MuhammadMalePhulabad, Tump, District Kech7/28/20162-Jan-18custodial/mutilated
5UnidentifiedMaleBedi, Awaran, District Awaran2-Jan-18Decomposed beyond recognition
6UnidentifiedMaleBedi, Awaran, District Awaran2-Jan-18Decomposed beyond recognition
7Battey KhanNaik Muhammad UmraniMaleJhao, District Awaran12/29/20174-Jan-18Custodial
8QasimNizar Muhammad BadaichMaleKilli Deba, Quetta, District Quetta4-Jan-18Mutilated
9SadiqAbdul RehmanMaleBazdad Machi, Awaran, District Awaran4-Jan-18Mutilated
10UnidentifiedMaleKilli Gogadahi, Sariyab, Quetta, District Quetta4-Jan-18Decomposed beyond recognition
12UnidentifiedMaleKhudabadan, Panjgur, District Panjgur5-Jan-18Decomposed beyond recognition
13ZarifIsmailMalePhulabad, Tump, District Kech5-Jan-18Firing
14MajeedFerozMaleSari Kalag, Gwarkkop, District Kech1/1/20187-Jan-18Mutilated
15UnidentifiedMaleSibbi, District Sibbi7-Jan-18Decomposed beyond recognition
16Muhammad BakhshMaleNasirabad, District Kech10-Jan-18Firing
17YounisAbdul HaqMaleSrinkin, Tump, District Kech1/6/201811-Jan-18Mutilated
18FazulMuhammad UmerMaleGayab, Mand, District Kech13-Jan-18Firing
19UnidentifiedMaleArbab Karam Khan, Quetta13-Jan-18Decomposed beyond recognition
20Huzoor Bakhsh BugtiSommar Khan BugtiMaleSohbar Pur, District Sohbat Pur14-Jan-18Firing
21KifayatuulahMaleBolan, District Bolan17-Jan-18Firing
26UnidentifiedMaleParoom, District Panjgur20-Jan-18Decomposed beyond recognition
27Bashir Ahmed M. HassaniMaleSakuran, Hub, District Lasbela20-Jan-18Bomb Blast
28ChangeezMalePathan Kahoor, Turbat, District Kech21-Jan-18Firing
29Ghulam FarooqKhalil MengalMaleNoshki, District Noshki22-Jan-18Firing
30HafeezMuhammad Hussain KandariMaleAlamdar Road, Quetta23-Jan-18Mutilated
31BuzoGhulam Muhammad BugtiMaleZain Koh, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti1/15/201824-Jan-18custodial/mutilated
32HabibullahAbdul RehmanMaleMastung, District Mastung26-Jan-18Firing
33KhalilIbrahimMaleNizrabad, Tump, District Kech27-Jan-18Firing
34ShoaibHamzaMaleShapuk, District Kech27-Jan-18Firing
35AfzalMaleAwaran, District Awaran27-Jan-18Firing
36HidayatullahAbdul NasirMaleQila Saifullah, District Qila Saifullah28-Jan-18Firing
37UnidentifiedMaleQuetta28-Jan-18Decomposed beyond recognition
38RiazLala MuradMaleShapuk, District Kech28-Jan-18Firing
39Muhammad IsmailMuhammad AkbarMaleMastung, District Mastung30-Jan-18Firing
40ShahabMaleWashbod, Panjgur, District Panjgur30-Jan-18Firing
41SalahMurad BakhshMaleKonshkalat, Tump, District Kech30-Jan-18Firing
42Ghulam NabiMaleKat Mandai, Sibbi District Sibbi31-Jan-18Firing
43Muhammad AsifFaiz MuhammadMaleNokshi, District Noshki3-Feb-18Target Killing
44Hafiz Abdul BariHaji Muhammad Sharif KubdaniMaleKharan, District Kharan5-Feb-18Target Killing
45Mola BakhshMeer AliMalePassion, District Pashin 6-Feb-18Target Killing
46Saleh MuhammadMaleMastung, District Mastung8-Feb-18Mutilated
47HayatQamberMaleHingoli Ziyarat, Buleda, District Kech9-Feb-18Target Killing
48UnidentifiedMaleDera Ghazi Khan11-Feb-18Decomposed beyond recognition
49UnidentifiedMaleDera Ghazi Khan11-Feb-18Decomposed beyond recognition
50Mohmmad HayatMuhammad BakhshMaleJhal Magsi, District Jhal Magsi12-Feb-18Target Killing
51MuneerUsmanMaleWashbod, Panjgur, District Panjgur12-Feb-18Target Killing
52MurtazaNoor AhmedMaleTar, Chitkan, District Panjgur16-Feb-18Target Killing
53Noor ul HaqMaleTrasani, Zehri, Distrit Khuzdar19-Feb-18Target Killing
54Zia ur RehmanMaleTrasani, Zehri, Distrit Khuzdar19-Feb-18Target Killing
55YounisImam BakhshMalePanodi, Dasht, District Kech19-Feb-18Target Killing
56Ghulam YasinObayaMaleMengalabad, Hub, District Lasbela2/19/201820-Feb-18Mutilated
57RafeeqRoziMaleKodo, Jhao, District Awaran2 Years Ago21-Feb-18Custodial
58AzizullahNoor KhanMaleKhajak, Sibi, District Sibi22-Feb-18Mutilated
59RasooloJalai MarriMaleNasao, Kohlu, District Kohlu22-Feb-18Target Killing
60UnidentifiedFemaleKod Daan, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti22-Feb-18Decomposed beyond recognition
61SanaullahGhulam QadirMaleJhal Magsi, District Jhal Magsi25-Feb-18Mutilated
62Abdul SamadAbdul Aziz BangulzaiMaleMastung , District Mastung1-Mar-18Firing
63SajjadAbdul SamadMaleHazara Town, Quetta, District Quetta4-Mar-18Firing
64Akhtar BalochAkbarMaleLyari, Karachi, Sindh4-Mar-18Custodial
65QadirMaleHazar Ganji, Quetta, District Quetta7-Mar-18Firing
66Zahir KhanAlim KhanMaleBarkhan, District Barkhan7-Mar-18Mutilated
67AbbasMusaMaleKili Chakar, Quetta, District Quetta8-Mar-18Firing
68RaeesHakeemMaleDandal, Shapuk, District Kech9-Mar-18Firing
69MunirZabadMaleTalsar, Hoshab, District Kech9-Mar-18Firing
70Safar KhanMuradMaleJamak, District Kech9-Mar-18Firing
71JameelAminMaleDarmakol, District Kech9-Mar-18Firing
72Hafeez ShahSaleh MohammadMaleKasi Road, Quetta, District Quetta9-Mar-18Firing
73Mohammad HussainDin MohammadMaleHub, District Lasbela10-Mar-18Firing
74Niaz Ahmed SanadiMaleGidr Bazar, Sorab, District Mastung10-Mar-18Firing
75Meher AliMayar AliMaleTeertej, Awaran, District Awaran12-2017
13-Mar-18Fake Encounter
76Chakar Ali BalochMaleKallari, Lyari, Karachi SIndh13-Mar-18Fake Encounter
77UmairAli BakhshMaleDawood Goth, Malir, Karachi Sindh8/2/201713-Mar-18Fake Encounter
78AmirAli BakhshMaleDawood Goth, Malir, Karachi Sindh8/2/201713-Mar-18Fake Encounter
79MubarakLashkranMaleParwar, Mashkay, District Awaran14-Mar-18Target Killing
80Mohabbat JanMubarakMaleParwar, Mashkay, District Awaran14-Mar-18Target Killing
81Mir HanshooNandooMaleSorodi, Gwarkop, District Kech14-Mar-18Firing
82AdilAbdul KhaliqMaleBuleda, District Kech15-Mar-18Firing
83KhalidMohammad IbrahimMaleHood Nall, Khuzdar, District Khuzdar16-Mar-18Firing
84Rahmat UllahUsman SasoliMaleKharan, District Kharan19-Mar-18Target Killing
85Raza MohammadMaleShahrag, District Bolan20-Mar-18Mutilated
86Allah Bakhsh MengalMalePuli Mass, Wadh, Khuzdar, District Khuzdar24-Mar-18Firing
87AkramMohammad EssaMaleSolir, Pendok Village, District Washuk24-Mar-18Shelling
88Ghulam QadirDil ShadMaleSolir, Pendok Village, District Washuk24-Mar-18Shelling
89SameerGhulam RasoolMaleTasp, Panjgur, District Panjgur25-Mar-18Firing
90Nazad HussainHussainMaleQuetta, District Quetta1-Apr-18Firing
91JameelaSwaliFemaleTalsar, Hoshab, District Kech2-Apr-18Firing
92Muhammad AzeemMeer AzarMaleKechi Baig, Quetta, District Quetta2-Apr-18Firing
93IqbalSwaliMaleTalsar, Hoshab, District Kech3/28/20182-Apr-18Mutilated
94Naaz GulFemaleRaghay, District Washuk12/1/20176-Apr-18Custodial
95SadiqIbrahimMaleBashir Colony, Turbat, District Kech9-Apr-18Mutilated
96Lal Muhammad BugtiKhan Bakhsh BugtiMaleSangsila, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti12-Apr-18Bombardment
97Gul Muhammad BugtiKhan Bakhsh BugtiMaleSangsila, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti12-Apr-18Bombardment
98Duri BugtiFemaleSangsila, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugtiv4/12/18Bombardment
99Khan Bakhsh BugtiMaleSangsila, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti12-Apr-18Bombardment
100ShahidNazeerMaleMalant, Tump, District Kech3/27/201813-Apr-18Custodial
101AyubDil MuradMaleUmri Kahn, Turbat, District Kech19-Apr-18Firing
102SajidGhulamMaleFaqir Chat, Mand, District Kech4/16/201819-Apr-18Custodial
103Bibi BaghamFemaleShoro Parodh, Sorab, District Kalat25-Apr-18Firing
104Khair BakshAmeer BakhshMaleQuetta, District Quetta27-Apr-18Firing
105Maqsood AhmedRehmatullahMaleBabo, Mastung, District Mastung29-Apr-18Mutilated
106Yar Muhammad, MullaAssaMaleDalsar, Mand, District Kech2-May-18Firing
107AtifYousufMaleSoro, Mand, District Kech2-May-18Firing
108Bozoo BugtiGhulam Muhammad BugtiMaleZain Koh, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti1/24/20182-May-18Custodial
109FerozMaleKahn, Gichk, Distrcit Panjgur3-May-18Target Killing
110KhalilSyed MuhammadMaleSoro, Mand, District Kech3-May-18Target Killing
111Karim BakhshAllah DadMaleBal, Keelkor, District Panjgur4/25/20163-May-18Mutilated
112IssaMehrabMaleKumbel, Dasht, Dsitrict Kech3-May-18Target Killing
113Munir MullazaiMaleKharan, District kharan5-May-18Target Killing
114AzeemDad ShahMaleMalar, Awaran, District Awaran4/25/20165-May-18Custodial
115Dur MuhammadMola BakhshMaleGwargo, Panjgur, District Panjgur14-May-18Target Killing
116AhsanAbdul QayumMaleRaisani Road, Quetta, District Quetta16-May-18Target Killing
117Salman Ahmed BadiniNabi BakhshMaleSaryaab Road. Quetta, District Quetta17-May-18Firing
118Habibullah, MaulanaMaleSaryaab Road. Quetta, District Quetta19-May-18Target Killing
119MumtazMaleIsplenji, Mastung, District Mastung20-May-18Mutilated
120Muhammad BakhshDildarMaleMalar, Awaran, District Awaran22-May-18Mutilated
121BilquisFemaleShay Seechi, Dasht, District Kech27-May-18Target Killing
122NorozAttaullahMaleTump, District Kech1-Jun-18Target Killing
123Muhammad IssaIllahi BakhshMaleSani Shoran, Quetta, District Quetta2-Jun-18Target Killing
124HaiderFaqeer MuhammadMaleMashkai Dap, Mashkai, District Awaran5/26/20182-Jun-18Mutilated
125Ali GulTariq MagsiMaleJhal Magsi, District Jhal Magsi2-Jun-18Target Killing
126TariqAbdul RehmanMaleJhal Magsi, District Jhal Magsi2-Jun-18Target Killing
127TufailKahri MarriMaleKahan, District Kohlu5-Jun-18Firing
128NajeebKahri MarriMaleKahan, District Kohlu5-Jun-18Firing
129Kahri MarriMaleKahan, District Kohlu5-Jun-18Firing
130Saeed Ahmed LangoveMaleKilling Ismail, Quetta, District Quetta7-Jun-18Target Killing
131BahotAbidMaleSarawan, Panjgur, District Panjgur12-Jun-18Target Killing
132AbidMaleSarawan, Panjgur, District Panjgur12-Jun-18Target Killing
133Mulla QasimMullaMaleKorak, Jhao, District Awaran13-Jun-18Target Killing
134HayatMaleShadi Koar, Pasni, District Gwadar13-Jun-18Mutilated
135Anwar AliMehfoz AliMaleBangulzai Road, Quetta, District Quetta16-Jun-18Target Killing
136NajibullahAmanullahMaleBangulzai Road, Quetta, District Quetta16-Jun-18Target Killing
137HabibullahAmanullahMaleBangulzai Road, Quetta, District Quetta16-Jun-18Target Killing
138Gul MuhammadAliMalePaho, Gadop, District Awaran17-Jun-18Target Killing
139AhmedAllah YarMaleGwar Soch, Awaran, District Awaran18-Jun-18Target Killing
140WaheedIbrahimMaleTalamb, Mand, District Kech20-Jun-18Target Killing
141DilwashWali MuhammadMaleNilag, Dera Bugti, District Dera Bugti20-Jun-18Target Killing
142ShabirGhulam HussainBonistan, Panjgur, District Panjgur21-Jun-18Mutilated
143Noor BakhshYousifMaleGresha, District Khuzdar21-Jun-18Mutilated
144AslamKhair MuhammadMaleKullan, Kharan, District Kharan26-Jun-18Encounter


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