Military kills five, abducts 35 in Balochistan

Military kills five, abducts 35 in Balochistan

Pakistani security forces have killed five civilians and abducted 35 from different districts of Balochistan in March this year.

On 21 March 2018, security forces started a military operation in Soler, Tobah and Pashtkoh areas of Besima, district Awaran, which continued for four days. Communication networks remained closed during the operation. Several people were abducted, tortured and later released. But four persons taken away are still missing, local HRCB volunteers confirmed.

“Three brothers, Ghulam Jan Pendok, Basit Jan Pendok, Reko Pendok along with Ashraf Jumma are confirmed missing. All of them are residents of Soler Village. Ghulam Qadir s/o Dilshad and Akram Isa, residents of Soler were killed in firing by security forces. All these reports come from a single village. We cannot yet confirm situation in other villagers affected by the military operation,” says HRCB activists.

Mubarak Lashkaran. Photo: Ashoob Social Media

Masked armed men shot killed Mubarak Lashkaran and his son, Muhabat Jan in Parwar village of Mashkay, district Awaran, on 14 March, 2018. His other son, Noor-ul-Haq was critically injured. Baloch nationalists accuse the armed men of belonging to death squads sponsored by the security establishment to counter a separatist insurgency.

Mehar Ali. Photo: Social media

On 13 March, Sindh Rangers killed previously abducted Mehar Ali, resident of Teertej district Awaran, along with four others in a fake encounter staged in Lyari area of Karachi, the provincial capital of Sindh. Mehar Ali was abducted three months ago by the same forces. A petition had been filed in Singh High court over his abduction. Reports confirmed that all the five persons were in custody of security forces and are killed in fake encounter.

On 24 March, security forces surrounded Dhal Bedi area of Pirandar district Awaran and started a house-to-house search operation. Abdul Ghani Murad was abducted from his house during military operation.

On the same day, forces started a search operation in Jattani Bazar, Dasht district Kech and abducted Abdul Wahab s/o Ali Mohammad.

Forces conducted a search operation in Dal Sar, Mand district Kech, Balochistan on 24 March. During the operation forces abducted three brothers, Mudeer, Hussain and Munir Khan Mohammad, residents of Dal Sar, Mand.

On 21 March, Dad Mohammad son of Abdul Aziz, resident of Gawak, Mand district Kech was abducted from Karachi’s Jinnah International Airport. He was coming from Sharjah, UAE, where he works as a labourer.

On 20 March, forces raided house of Rafiq in Sulo area of Buleda district Kech and abducted Waheed Rafiq from his house.

Mohammad Younis s/o Abdul Hakeem. Photo: Ashoob Social Media

On 19 March, security forces and personnel of intelligence agencies abducted Swali Goran resident of Tal Sar, Hoshab from the main Bazar of Turbat, district Kech.

Mr. Mohammad Younis Abdul Hakeem resident of Chakal, Panjgur was abducted by forces when he was attending a wedding ceremony in Chitkan district Panjgur, Balochistan, on 19 March.

Salman Zafar Mohammad resident of Asiabad, Tump district Kech, Balochistan was abducted by forces from Kolaho- cross, Tump district Kech, Balochistan on 19 March 2018.

On 17 March, forces raided a house in Dal Sar, Mand district Kech and abducted Hanif Abdul Majeed, a resident of Dal Sar, Mand district Kech, Balochistan.

On 16 March 2018, from Al Jamil Hotel in Karachi, Sindh, Abdul Razzaq s/o Hassan, resident of Darmani Bent district Awaran, Balochistan was abducted by the personnel of intelligence agencies.

On 15 March, Pakistani security forces started a military operation in Sibi, Dera Murad Jamali and Mastung areas of Balochistan. During the operation forces abducted Mirjan Saedan, Jangan Shahmir and Kabul Hayat from Kerthag area of Mach, Bolan district Quetta, Balochistan.

Khalid Jan Mohammad. Photo: Ashoob Social Media

A lecturer Khalid Jan Mohammad, resident of Washuk was abducted on 13 March 2018 from Master Abdul Aziz’s house in Lasbela. He was visiting the family members of Master Abdul Aziz, a lecturer who was abducted on 12 March 2018 by forces from Lasbela.

Shah Dost Azim resident of Rish-Pesh, Parom district Panjgur was abducted by security forces from Jayien area of Parom, district Panjgur, Balochistan on 14 March, 2018.

On 13 March, forces abducted Moljan Yousif and Muhim Bahadur, residents of Balicha, Tump district Kech.

On 11 March, security forces abducted Azim s/o Dr. Piral during a military operation in Drachko village of Dasht, district Kech.

On the same day, security forces abducted Hanif Mohammad Amin from Parom, disrtict Panjgur.

On 10 March, security forces raided a house in Resh Pesh, Parom district Panjgur and abducted Jafar Mola Dad.

On 09 March, forces started a military operation in Heroi and Kunari areas of Parag, Kolwa district Awaran, Balochistan. During the operation forces gathered all the men and subjected them of severe torture and abducted Master Sudhir resident of Shapuk district Kech, Balochistan.

On the same day, security forces abducted Nasir Dilmurad in a search operation in Pullabad area of Tump, district Kech.

On 08 March, security forces raided Mayar Noor Mohammad’s house in Abdoi, Tump district Kech and abducted Balach Mosa and Diljan Mohammad.

Samad Bijjar was abducted by forces during a raid in Bal area of Hoshab district Kech, Balochistan on 08 March.

On 07 March, forces raided a house in Shahi Tump district Kech, Balochistan and abducted Jamil Anwar, resident of Alandur, Buleda district Kech.

Sudir Amin. Photo: Ashoob Social Media

On 03 March, personnel of security forces and intelligence agency abducted Sudir Amin, resident of Chambur, Kolwa district Awaran from Hub district Lasbela. Balochistan.

Mr. Noor Dad Miran resident of Tijaban was abducted by security forces four months ago on December 2017 from Turbat city district Kech, Balochistan. He works in Dubai, UAE as a laborer and came to visit his family in Balochistan on his vacations.

All the abductees have been shifted to unknown location and their whereabouts remain unknown to their families.