Recovery of unidentified bodies is a hu​ma​n tragedy. BHRO

Recovery of unidentified bodies is a hu​ma​n tragedy. BHRO

Baloch Human Rights Organization Spokesperson expressed concerns against the recovery of beyond recognition bodies in Balochistan and their burial without DNA analysis.  He said that burial of unidentified bodies without DNA analysis shows irresponsibility and non-seriousness of Balochistan government towards the issue of enforced disappearances of Balochistan. The families of victims of enforced disappearance have concern that the bodies might be the bodies of their loved ones and without DNA analysis, the government is turning a blind eye towards our demands of safe recovery of our loved ones.

He further added that in Dasht Teramil Graveyard, more than one hundred people were buried without DNA analysis and twelve more bodies were brought and buried in Dasht Teramil graveyard two days ago. No steps were taken for the identification of bodies. The recovery of mutilated beyond recognition bodies have worsened the humanitarian situation in Balochistan. The government of Balochistan should take immediate effective steps for the identification of bodies. 

The supreme court of Pakistan has made it obligatory to conduct DNA analysis but the government haven’t taken any measures for the identification of bodies. On one hand, families of victims of enforced disappearance are on hunger strike and on the other hand beyond recognition bodies are being buried without identification which is condemnable. 

We appeal to the Supreme Court of Pakistan and Pakistan’s government to take effective measures for the identification of unidentified bodies to relieve the families from their pain.