The HRCB demands immediate disclosure of Zahid Baloch location and health condition

The HRCB demands immediate disclosure of Zahid Baloch location and health condition

Mr. Zahid was arrested and disappeared from Quetta, Balochistan, on March 18, 2014. He was then the chairman of the Baloch Students Organization Azad (BSO-Azad). His organization and family claim that the Frontier Corps (FC) and secret agencies of Pakistan are the perpetrators of his disappearance.

According to his family, they still have no clue about his whereabouts and health, 6 years after his enforced disappearance. His illegal and forced disappearance was registered with the police, and a petition was also filed in the High Court of Balochistan by his wife, Zar Jan. The Pakistani government has till date taken no action to facilitate his release.

The FIR and the petition papers say that Mr. Zahid was taken away from Mekran Road, Satellite Town, Quetta, after a meeting of BSO leaders. According to the eyewitness, the victim was dragged by the military personnel and thrown into a “white Toyota Corolla car bearing registration No. ANS-272.

HRCB sources reported that the security forces had threatened the victim’s family to withdraw the case from the High Court of Balochistan and UN’s WGEID. This is of increasing concern to HRCB and we fear for his life.

It is also of great concern that six years into this enforced disappearance case, multiple Pakistsni governments have failed to disclose his location or producing him to courts which is not only disturbing to his family members but also to us, as a human rights organization.

Once again, the Human Rights Council of Balochistan asks both provincial and federal authorities to take urgent action to produce Mr. Zahid to the courts in the country. If he has committed any crime, then court procedures should be conducted. We also demand immediate access of his family members to Mr. Zahid.