The practice of enforced disappearance and extrajudicial execution persist in Balochistan. BHRO

The practice of enforced disappearance and extrajudicial execution persist in Balochistan. BHRO

The representative of Baloch Human Rights Organization on the International Day of Disappeared issued a statement stating that human rights violations in Balochistan has intensified but the silence of international institutions encouraging forces to commit more human rights violations.

For the last 2 decades, the brutal policies of security forces have turned Balochistan into a humanitarian crisis but international human rights organizations are criminally silent.

On the International Day of the Disappeared, seminars and awareness programs are organized all over the country. Government representatives and activists deliver speeches on the situation of human rights but on the practical ground, no steps have been taken against those institutions who are responsible for the human rights violations in Balochistan and neighboring countries.

He further stated that the families of victims of enforced disappearances are living in uncertainty about the well-being of their loved ones. In recent months, state forces have released few people and in return, abducted many more.

The government and judiciary have failed to address and end enforced disappearances in Balochistan and on the contrary, their deceptive statements regarding enforced disappeared persons are self-evident that the government is an equal partner in crime.

People are being forcibly disappeared on a daily basis but due to media black-out and discrimination of media outlets, the issues of Balochistan never appear on national news which is highly condemnable.

The military institutions are involved in enforced disappearances of thousands of people in Balochistan which they have acknowledged in their recent statement but no one has been presented in any court of justice in Pakistan.

We appeal to the government to practice their constitutional authority and ensure the safe recovery of all enforced disappeared persons