Uncle of Political Leader abducted by security forces in Balochistan

Uncle of Political Leader abducted by security forces in Balochistan

Master Noor Ahmad s/o Haji Khan Mohammad r/o Pullabad Tump, District Kech, Mekran, Balochistan is abducted by Security Forces at around 10:30 pm Pakistan time on July 28, 2016.

He was accompanied by almost a dozen of people in the vehicle. When they reached at Ghinna check post, around 40 KM away from Turbat city while going back home from Turbat, they were stopped by security forces and asked to provide their NICs (National Identity Cards). He was dragged out and taken after the confirmation of his identity.

The Paramilitary force is held responsible for most of the abductions in Balochistan. They have built thousands of check posts in between and amidst of almost all the villages in Balochistan.  All the vehicles going through these routes are stopped. And the passengers are asked to

Produce their identity. It also happened the day Mr. Ahmed was abducted. All the vehicles were checked and permitted to leave accept the one carrying Mr. Ahmed, even after taking him away with them.

“We told the security personnel that we can’t leave until he is not allowed to go with us, they (security personnel) made us wait for almost more than an hour, and asked us harshly to leave quickly”, told the passengers who were in the same vehicle carrying Mr. Ahmed.

Noor Ahmed is maternal uncle of Karima Baloch, who is the chairperson of BSO-Azad, and living an exiled life in Canada these days.

Imran Wali Mohammad, a cousin of Karima Baloch was also abducted by security forces before two months and is still missing.


“When a Baloch activist is beyond the reach of Pakistan Military and the activist continues his/her activities and campaign, they  abduct the family members to pressurize him/her.”, said Abdullah Abbas, the Secretary of Baloch Human Rights Organization (BHRO), an organization working to highlight Human Rights abuses in Balochistan, who is also living in exile in Germany and two of his cousins were abducted by security forces for the same purpose. Both of his cousins are still missing.