Balochistan: Nazir Ahmed has gone missing after boarding the flight to Dubai

Nazir Ahmed went missing after boarding the flight to Dubai from Jinnah International Airport Karachi on 15 November, 2016. He was made to call his family members to inform them about his abduction. He called his family and told them that he was arrested by one of the intelligence agencies and they were taking him along with them. He further added that he was on the flight to Dubai but the security agencies stopped the flight from taking off. They searched him in the flight and after confirming his identity they were taking him with them.

According to one of his family members, who wants to remain anonymous, “as I received call from him and came to know that he was arrested, I rushed to airport where I saw that he was blindfolded, they threw him in a pickup car and took him away. Since then we didn’t hear anything from him.”

24-year-old Nazir Ahmed s/o Honak, is a resident of Sekag Kolwah, district Kech. He is the brother of 4 sisters. Nazir Ahmed is the only bread earner of his family. He was offered a job in Dubai where he was heading to.

His sister said, “We have always been worried about him because of the insecurity and uncertain situation all over Balochistan and especially the intensifying military operations in our areas on daily basis. We wanted him to go abroad for his job, for his security and for his family but we never knew that we would lose him.”

On 5th of October, 2016, 6 people were abducted from the same village where Mr. Nazir Ahmed belongs to by Pakistan Para-Military force (FC) during a military operation. Among the 6 abductees, Latif Baloch’s body was later dumped in Turbat city and others were released after one month of illegal detention.

Enforced disappearances violate a range of fundamental human rights, protected under international law, including prohibitions against arbitrary arrest and detention; torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment; and extrajudicial execution. Disappearances are a continuing offense that cause anguish and suffering for the victim’s family members.

Aricle 1 of UN convention on Enforced Disappearances states that;

  1. No one shall be subjected to enforced disappearance.
  2. No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification for enforced disappearance.

UN and other international human rights organization should take step to stop increasing number of the victims of enforced disappearances and extra judicial killings in Balochistan.