Balochistan: 250 people were abducted, 17 mutilated bodies found, 34 targeted and killed, in October

Balochistan: 250 people were abducted, 17 mutilated bodies found, 34 targeted and killed, in October

Balochistan 5 November 2016:

The chairperson of Baloch Human Rights Organization, BibiGul Baloch issued October, 2016 reports of human rights violations and incidents of extra judicial killings in Balochistan during a press conference at Quetta Press Club. BibiGul told that in the month of October, more than 250 people were abducted by forces in Balochistan in which 100 people were released after few days, whereas 120 people are still missing.

On 04 October, 2016, 26 people were arrested by forces during an operation in Gwarkop, district Kech and have gone missing. Baloch Student Organization Azad’s leader Shabir Baloch is also one of the abductees.

Other than this, people from Awaran, Kolwah, Quetta, Dalbandin, Mand, Tump, Dasht, Naseerabad were also img_20161105_153249abducted in the month of October.

On 5th of October, forces abducted Latif s/o Maqsood; a shepherd; along with 5 other people during an operation in Kolwah. His mutilated body was found from Absar, Turbat after some days of his abduction.

In the month of October 17 mutilated bodies of missing person were found while 51 people were killed in different incident carried out by security forces in Balochistan.

A mutilated body of a woman who was abducted by security forces from Dera Bugti during an operation was also found. Other than these, 3 mutilated bodies of missing persons were also found from Qalat. On 26 October, 3 bullet riddled bodies were found including two brothers from Dera Bugti. They were arrested a few days earlier. 14 people were killed in personal enmity while 20 people were killed by forces in different military operations.

Political activists Hasil and Khumar Baloch residents of Mashkay and Jhao respectively were among those who were killed by forces. Hasil was shot dead during the operation in Kolwah on 5th October.

In the same month 24 people were also released from the custody of forces, most of them had been missing for last 2 years. Haider KB who was abducted on 27th November, 2013, Khadim s/o Abdul Qadir who was abducted a year before from Gramkan, Panjgur and Qamber Baloch who was abducted before 3 years from Washbod, Panjgur are among the released persons.

Other than these, the tragic incident of Quetta Training Centre also took place in the same month resulting into 62 deaths.

BibiGul Baloch said that it is very painful and not less than a tragedy that government, media and political parties are all dead silent on the loss of precious lives of Baloch people in Balochistan. Several appeals from human rights organizations and orders from Supreme Court have also been ignored in Balochistan. Instead of solving decade long missing person’s issue, it is getting more complicated day by day. The police administrators used to register missing person’s FIR before but now the situation has become so worse that both police and levies deny registering cases of missing person.

The problems of people of Balochistan have increased due to military operations, raids; check posts; mutilated bodies and abduction of people. But other than these everyday problems have also made the lives of people very miserable. The people of rural areas of Balochistan don’t even dare to think about getting basic facilities like clean water, health and jobs. Even in the 21st century women of Balochistan in many districts travel miles to fetch water.

For the treatment of common diseases the nearest hospitals are in Karachi the capital city of Sindh which is at least a 7-12 hour journey from distant areas of Balochistan.

The same condition is with education, due to lack of government’s attention; poverty and unemployment; thousands of students are out of schools. In the districts; Kech, Panjgur and Awaran, more than a dozen of primary, middle and high schools are under the occupation of forces.

The trend of religious extremism is also prevailing in Balochistan. There is the general impression that in order to counter the insurgency, forces are providing training and arms to the religious extremists. The picture of Balochistan which comes in mind after analyzing the entire situation is very miserable.

BibiGul appealed to the authorities of related institutions to bind the administrators to file FIRs and stop dumping mutilated bodies of missing persons of Balochistan.