Baloch Human Rights Organization’s Chairperson Bibi Gul Baloch reacts on the statement of head of commission of missing person, Justice (R) Javed Iqbal and said that the statement of head of commission of missing persons is distortion of truth. She added, the commission, instead of showing responsibility and seriousness towards missing persons is rubbing salt on the wounds of families of enforced disappeared persons.
Baloch Human Rights Organization is struggling for enforced disappearanced persons and human rights violations in Balochistan for last five years but the commission didn’t feel the need to contact our organization regarding enforced disappearances in Balochistan. According to government statistics, from the end of 2015 to april 2016, more than 12000 people were arrested on the basis of suspicion. The details of these persons were not pubished in media so far nor majority of them were produced in court. Apart from this, Javed Iqbal also avoid to address the enforced disappearances in Balochistan, taking place on daily basis.
Bibi Gul Baloch said that the army is threatening families of enforced disappeared persons not to file cases and if a family file case despite of being threatened then the police deny to file case in fear of security forces. The commission should have consider these issues and gave its remarks on enforced disappeared persons but the commssion on the basis of false information is in denial of disappearances of thousands of people which is matter of grievance for the families of victims of enforce disappearances.
Baloch Human Rights Organization’s Chairperson said that it is not easy to collect information of enforced disappeared persons due to the worse situation in Balochistan but still BHRO’s activists are collecting reports of incidents taking place throughout Balochistan, especially the incidents of extra judicial executions and enforced disappearances and publishing them in media on monthly basis. BHRO has received 1809 enforced disappearance cases in 2016 whereas, 1302 enforced disappearance cases are registered in the first half of this year while the number of cases could be more than these statistics. We can share the details of these cases with all human rights organizations and media including the committee of human rights, formed by Senate.
BHRO’s Chairperson said that the situation of Balochistan cannot be assumed by the news and reports being published in Pakistan’s news channels. If an institution want to collect reports of enforced disappeared persons then it is necessary for them to visit Balochistan and meet the families of the victims. In this regard Baloch Human Rights Organization is ready to cooperate with all possible means.

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