Balochistan: Villages forcefully evacuated by Security Forces

Balochistan: Villages forcefully evacuated by Security Forces

On 23rd March 2017, Pakistani military forcefully evacuated Murad Jan bazar of Pirandar district Awaran, Balochistan.

According to the latest reports, security forces ordered the local residents of Murad Jan Bazar and Kuch villages of Awaran to immediately evacuate their houses.

The locals resisted against the evacuation, but Pakistani army threatened to abduct all the women and children, if their orders are refused.

In order to save the women and children, the local residents of Murad Jan bazar and Kuch villages helplessly evacuated their houses.

During the military operation women and children have been severely tortured.

Local teachers were threatened to leave the schools along with the villagers of Kuch and Murad Jan Bazar to evacuate.

The forceful evacuations of Baloch civilians by Pakistani security forces have alarmingly increased the number and troubles of Internally Displaced Persons of Balochistan.