Balochistan: Abduction of women and children from Mashkay, Awaran is the most tragic incident. BHRO

Balochistan: Abduction of women and children from Mashkay, Awaran is the most tragic incident. BHRO

Baloch Human Rights Organization’s Chairperson Bibi Gul Baloch during a press conference declares abduction of women and children from Mormasi and Tank, District Awaran the most tragic incident and said; the trend of abducting of women and children by forces is forecasting a very dangerous situation. The civil society, journalists, lawyers and media outfits should raise their voice at all cost against this new policy of forces.

Bibi Gul Baloch said that when state forces didn’t respect and follow state’s constitution and law than the common people will also lose their faith in state institutions and law. On March7, 2017, forces abducted 16 women and infants from Murmasi, a village of Mashkay, district Awaran. The abductees are still in the custody of army in Gajjar Army Camp Mashkay. Other than these, 14 women were abducted from Tank Bandoki, Mashkay after burning down their houses during an operation on March 9, 2017. This is not the first incident; before this, women have also become victims of forces’ operations in different areas of Balochistan but it is very sad that civilian government and judiciary are silent on these matters. When there is a state judiciary and administration, when state constitution have cleared the authorities of all institutions and respect and rights of people than why an institution have the authority to abduct, kill, torture and burn houses? She adds that due to unlimited authority of forces and lack of accountability, even a junior soldier is also free to kill and torture any one on the basis of suspicion

Baloch Human Rights Organization’s Chairperson criticizes media and said that silence of media is becoming the cause of hiding the reality. Media should take steps on emergency basis in order to reveal the situation of Balochistan to common people that it could become possible to overcome the serious humanitarian situation as soon as possible.