Balochistan: BHRO and VBMP demonstrates on Eid against enforced disappearances

Balochistan: BHRO and VBMP demonstrates on Eid against enforced disappearances

Baloch Human Rights Organization and Voice for Baloch Missing Persons held a protest demonstration in front of Press Club Quetta in solidarity with families of enforced disappeared persons and against deteriorating human rights situation in Balochistan. Bibi Gul, Chairperson BHRO, Mama Qadeer, Vice Chairman VBMP and Jalila Haider, an active human rights activist participated in the demonstration. Addressing the demonstrators, participants said that muslin community all around the world are celebrating Eid with high regards and on the other side our people instead of observing this religious fest are protesting for the safe recovery of their loved ones. People celebrate this festival happily with their families while in Balochistan families are worried about the lives of their family members.
The deteriorating situation in Balochistan has turned into a humanitarian crisis. Enforced disappearances of people have become the daily routine of security forces. Forces, instead of enforcing the law and abide constitution are violating the constitution and are involved in serious human rights violations.
The issue of enforces disappearances in Balochistan is an alarming issue for all of us and it is responsibility of educated people of our society to come forward for this humanitarian issue and feel the pain of these women and children who on the occasion of Eid are protesting on the roads and raise effective voice to fulfill their humanitarian responsibility. We once again urge from the government to take measures in order to solve the humanitarian crisis in Balochistan.