Faqir Ali Baksh is abducted by Lashkar-e-Khurasan, an ISIS affiliated militant group on Thursday from Gwarkop area of Pidrak Mekran, Balochistan.
According to reports, he was riding on a motorcycle with two of his friends on thursday evening. They were stopped by armed members of Lashker-e-khurasan. Armed men took their motorcycle away and allowed them to go. But when they were standing on a roadside waiting to get a ride to go home, same armed men came again and took Faqir Ali Baksh with them. The other two persons tried to stop the abduction of Faqir, but armed men threaten them and made them go away.
Gwarkop Pidrak is reported to be one of main camp of Lashkar-e-khurasan which nationalist claim is a collaborator of Security Forces in providing intelligence, abducting the political workers in Mekran region of Balochistan