Student of Balochistan went missing from Peshawar, KPK

Student of Balochistan went missing from Peshawar, KPK

Mr. Sarfaraz is a first-year student of BS program in Psychology department at University of Peshawar went missing on February 13. Family believes Sarfaraz is picked up and forcibly disappeared by Pakistan’s intelligence agencies of Pakistan.

“His cell phone is off since then, but sometimes on the following day messages were delivered to his number but there were no replies”, says family.

Mr. Sarfaraz is a local of Awaran, Balochistan where educational institutions are mostly under Pakistan military’s occupation including two Inter Colleges in the district. He, somehow, managed to get to Peshawar university for higher education.

Sarfaraz is not the first student of Balochistan went missing in other cities of Pakistan. Nawaz Atta, a famous human rights activist, Ezzat Baloch, a student leader went missing along with many others in Karachi Sindh.

Sarfaraz’s family is displaced from their birth village. They have no permanent place to live. Creating further disturbance and pain by abducting the vulnerable student members of the family is the highest form of punishment to the family with no sin.

The HRCB strongly condemns the enforced disappearance of Mr. Sarfaraz and demands his urgent recovery.

HRCB has already submitted the case to the Secretariat of the UN WGEID, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and an email with the details of the case was also sent to Shireen Mazari, the Minister of Human Rights of Pakistan.

We are thankful to the Secretariat of the WGEID of the UN and Amnesty International for their urgent response to the request to take action on the issue.