Balochistan: 60 forcibly disappeared, 14 killed, massive protests over killing of student in August, 2020

Balochistan: 60 forcibly disappeared, 14 killed, massive protests over killing of student in August, 2020

Fourteen persons were extra judicially killed in the month of August and 60 persons went missing from different areas of Balochistan, including a large number of women and children whisked away during a military operation in the Gichk area of district Panjgur.

According to sources, more than a hundred persons, including 25 women and children, were whisked away on Aug 11, when the military forces launched an operation in the Penak Kulanch area of Gichk, district Panjgur. Some were later released, but due to the blocking of communication networks, details of only a few of the abductees could be ascertained: 75-year-old Duri and her Daughter Shabana, Zar Bibi d/o Duri, 65-year-old Ganj Khatoon w/o Allah Dad, Razia d/o Ata Muhammad, and Tahmul, Noorzaib, Saddam, Liaqat, and Khuda Bakhsh aged between 3-10.

Disappeared persons include Wasim Imam who was whisked away from a bus terminal on July 14 from Turbat and his disappearance remained undisclosed until August.

On August 1, the forces abducted a woman Shalli d/o Telaho from Kolwah district Awaran. Her whereabouts still remain unrevealed.

On Aug 5, five persons, Kachi Khan Marri, and Zamur Khan Marri, brothers, abducted from Mesali Goth, Khairpur, Sindh by intelligence agencies, and Hayat son of Abdul Kareem, Mukhtar s/o Majeed, and Abdul Hakeem s/o Mullah Hakeem were taken away by personnel of the Frontier Corps during raids and search operations in district Kech.

On Aug 6, local death squads disappeared Gwahram and his son Sher Jan, Razai s/o Dilbod, Khudadad son of Baizad, Muhammad Jan, and Azum son of Khaliq Dad from Askani, Turbat, whereas, three others were picked up from Buzpesh, Buleda, by the security forces. The abductees were identified as Yasir & Basith sons of Shareef, and Elm son of Umeeth.

On Aug 7, forces raided a house in Malikabad, Tump, district Kech, and abducted Saddam son of Muheem Jan and Ismail, who was later released but Saddam is still missing. Separately, forces invited Salam Baloch to the army camp in Awaran and took him away. His son Chakar is already missing.

On Aug 10, three brothers Ali, Sarwar and Abdul Malik forcibly disappeared from Paroom, Geshti, district Panjgur. Sarwar had been taken into custody twice before.

On Aug 13, forces whisked away Karim Baksh and Moosa sons of Allah Baksh, Gazzi s/o Beebagr, and Nizam s/o Allah Baksh during a raid in Faqir Colony, Karachi, Sindh.

On Aug 15, forces disappeared a total number of 13 persons, Lal Dad, Lal Khan, Rahim Khan, Shah Bakhsh, Allah Bakhsh, Vishal, Muhammad Mir, Ajab Khan, Kamal Khan, Umeed from Quetta, and Waheed Baloch, Naveed Bangulzai, and Ghulam Hussain Bangulzai from Kili Teri, district Mastung. Waheed had been abducted once before in 2012.

On Aug 17, forces abducted Master Mukhtar Ali and Asif during separate raids.

On Aug 18, Sajid Siraj, student of CEA in Jamshoro University, went missing from his hometown Karki Tejaban where he had come on vacations to visit his family.

The same day, forces picked up a 13-year-old teenage boy Manab s/o Muhammad Ali and Shehzad s/o Abdul Wahid, 21, from Dazin, Tump, district Kech, during a raid.

On Aug 23, four brothers Bazo, Razo, Niaz and Langov, sons of Salo Marri, were abducted from Loni Thank area of Shahrag, district Sibbi.

On Aug 27, forces raided a house in Lehri, district Sibbi and abducted Khan Muhammad Dhomki and Gulbahar Dhomki, sons of Umar.

On Aug 29, Bayardar son of Ghulam Nabi went missing during a raid in Parwar, Mashkay, district Awaran.

Twenty one persons were killed during the month, including seven bodies being recovered which remained unidentified? and a student, Hayat Baloch who was brutally killed by personnel of the Frontier Corps, a paramilitary force, in Turbat Balochistan, on August 13.

Hayat was a student of Karachi University. He went to his hometown Turbat to help farmer father during the pandemic. On Aug 13, Hayat and his father were working on the farm when a convoy of Frontier Corps vehicles was hit by an IED (improvised explosive device). As per reports, the personnel of FC aggressively entered the farm, blindfolded him, started beating, and then fired more than 8 shots at him, accusing him of detonating the bomb. But then, the Forces claimed that he was killed in a face-off. People refuted the contentions by the FC for Hayat’s killing in a confrontation, and demanded an impartial probe into the case. However, the family lodged an FIR in Turbat. according to reports, the accused was handed over to the police.

When the picture of tragic incident went viral on social media soon after he was murdered where his parents are crying over the dead body of their son, the Inspector General of FC visited his home, tried to convince victim’s family to close down the case and requested to end all the ongoing protests and social media campaigns against the military forces, but the family demanded justice and a proper investigation into the case.

Hayat was the only member of his family who succeeded in getting admission in a university. His mother and sisters sewed cloths, the whole family worked harder and barely managed to finance his educational expenses at a higher educational institute in a big city like Karachi for his and his family’s better and brighter future. He was the last spark of hope in his family, extinguished by forces.

After these tragic incidents, people’s resentment of the state authorities and government rose, and once again anti-army sentiments erupted throughout Balochistan. Large-scale protests over intentional killing of 25-year-old student Hayat Mirza Baloch by the Frontier Corps where thousands took to the streets carrying placards and posters “Justice for Hayat Baloch“ and “Baloch Lives Matter”.

During this month, seven decomposed dead bodies found in different areas, only three of which could be identified, one as Hussain son of Shadi, another as Khan Muhammad son of Muhammad Ali Bugti and another as Ashraf Dadain.

Nine people lost their lives in target killings by unknown militants. The victims were Younis Hussain, Muhammad Agha, Nafeh Agha, Paris, Mehrullah son of Nasrullah, Muhammad Rafeeq, Muhammad Yaseen, Zahid, and Raheem Umrani and killed in different areas of Balochistan. The Baloch Republican Army and the Baloch Liberation Army claimed the responsibility for killing Zahid and Raheem Umrani respectively.

The body of previously disappeared Rahim son of Dad Bakhsh was recovered a week after he was taken away by Frontier Corps with two others from his house during a raid in Buleda.

Three others were killed in the name of honor in a shooting incident, onevshot dead over a property dispute, and a child was killed in a bomb attack in Quetta.